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Solar was right

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Solar was right.

Being a part of the commotion rather than watching it all happen was a different type of feeling. Don't get me wrong though, of course I had a soft spot for the DJ booth — obviously I enjoy music, but there's a much deeper meaning behind my niche at The Vault.

When Sehun first came to me about his idea of starting this place up, I outright refused him. I wanted to hide my fire as much as possible because I was afraid of the trouble and attention it would bring to my quiet life. But of course, Sehun being the way he is, managed to convince me that a lot of good would come out of his vision.

And he was right. We had no idea that this many people in the city were hiding their abilities. Many of them were young and clueless, and who knows what would've happened to them had we not found them. But as more and more people became Keys, I found it even more necessary to blend into the background.  I simply had no desire for unnecessary attention.

As a middle ground for the two of us, Sehun proposed the idea of the DJ booth overlooking the ground floor, sort of like a balcony. By being up there, we both got what we wanted. It allowed me to stay away from all the happenings, and Sehun always had someone watching the grounds.

I had a bird's eye view of The Vault.

Occurring in the center was the cage fights, our form of 'entertainment' around here. But more so, it gave Keys an outlet — a chance to show their abilities, to see what they would be like in action, to test out any tricks they've been working on. It was a win-win for those competing and for those watching.

Four rounds are organized, ranging from the amateurs to the pros. Solar acted as the referee because she was unafraid to get involved if the fights got too violent. It made sense to put her there, because a single ultrasonic scream from her mouth would send everyone flying.

Most Keys gather around the center to watch the matches, and that's where you'll find Dahyun. She'll make her way around the crowd, collecting bets. But really, that's just a cover up. The real reason why she floats around the masses is to listen in on conversations and gather information.

She's able to make small talk here and there, discreetly obtaining answers to any questions we might have. It's important for us to always be updated on what's going on so that we're able to sense any future issues and solve them ahead of time. This way, we'll always be one step ahead of everyone else.

BamBam has two jobs. In the beginning of the night, he oversees who enters The Vault. He works alongside two other keys whose powers allow us to sense approaching danger so we can stop it before it even gets through the door.

Once the traffic has slowed down at the entrance, BamBam moves to the bar. He enjoys this part more because he gets to have a drink or two. Although more importantly, he's there to sense out any Keys who's drinking their problems away.

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