Slammed door on Pity

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Chapter 3
I did a 360 around the island.  It seems so big, yet small. I then looked at Thomas who smiled at me. I smiled back, pushing down my sleeves so that only my hand shows.
"Come with me." He said extending his arm out and opening  his hand. I walked towards him and grabbed his hand.

We walked through the woods and arrived to what looks like a gathering. Boys sitting on the ground looking at a boy who was standing on top of a tree stump.
"You boys need to understand things will be changing around he-," The boy said and then looked over at me. I gasped and came closer to Thomas,
"Meeting dismissed." The boy said quietly. The boy then jumped off the tree stump and  walked towards me. The boys gaze following where Peter was walking I heard whispers saying "Its a girl." Or "Who is she?"

I got a better look at the boy as he was walking towards me. He was tall, much taller then me.  He had light brown hair with beautiful green eyes..mesmerizing. 
He stood in front of me looking into my eyes as I did into his.
I gasped and blinked in disbelief.
"Who is this?" The boy asked.
I opened my mouth but before I could speak Thomas spoke for me, "The girl you asked for."
"W-wait why w-would you ask for me?" I asked.
The boy still kept eye contact with me, "To save you."
"You don't even know me. I don't need to."
"You don't have to."

Thomas then decided to let go of my hand and speak, "I'm going to go get Jae,"Thomas said glaring at the boy,"Don't fuck with her." Thomas said walking away. Leaving the boy and I alone.

"You don't seem comfortable." The boy pointed out.
I let out a small gasp, "I um just think everything is happening so fast." I laughed softly.
"Do you need a change of clothes?"
"I mean," I put a lock of my hair behind my ear,"I guess."
The boy smiled, "Follow me."
The boy said walking towards a little hut .
I followed him. 

"What is your name?" I asked.
The boy spoke lowly, "Peter Pan."
I brushed my fingers through my hair, "I can't believe you're real."

The boy laughed entering into the treehouse, "Neither can I." 

*Peter's P.O.V.*

Its her. The girl, I knew or know. A million feelings run through my head. Its terrifying. She seems so shy and so fragile, petite. Yet so bright. But no matter how hard I fall for her I will not break or become soft, especially for a girl. The weaker gender.
She came closer into my treehouse and I saw her. How her eyes roamed the wood of the treehouse.  

"You seem happy." I said.
She nodded.
Great. I probably scared her. Shit.
But she can't see I'm worried. I show no emotion.
"What is your name..newbie?"
Her name fit her. The name that has been causing me pain. The one name I've been dying to know. The name I was destined to remember, Violet. Just the way she said it , so broken. But beautiful.
"Violet." I say smiling. Shit stop, stop. I can't. Fuck. No.
She's breaking me.

*Violets P.O.V.*

I can't believe I just told a stranger my name. But then again I know my strangers name.
"I'll be right back." Peter said going into the closet.
"Ok" I said quietly.  
I walked over to the "window"  and looked out. Watching boys running around, building, playing, being free.
I then heard a cough behind me. It was Peter. I turned around and he was holding a long black dress.
He said holding the dress out to me. I grabbed the dress. Examining it with my thumbs. Feeling the fabric. It hung from the shoulders down and dropped to just above the ankles. I then looked up at Peter and gave him a look. He looked concerned but soon got the message,
"Okay, okay I'll turn around."  Peter said crossing his arms.
I then stepped away from the window so the boys wouldnt see me, but stood a great 6 feet away from Peter. It was one or the other. I turned my back to Peter. I then undressed and put on the dress. I felt it tighten around my stomach.
From the way the dress was it wasn't designed for a bra to be set in it. I then sighed and took of my bra.
I felt Peters eyes watch me as I took it off. But I still didn't turn around. I then pushed the dress back up and threw my clothes against the wall. 
"Okay." I said.
Peter then turned around . Examining me head to toe. I didn't like it because you could see my scars. Peter looked at those especially. He walked closer to me and grabbed my arms. Trailing his fingers down my scars, sending shivers up my spine. He grabbed my right arm and.. kissed my scars. The moment he did I had a flashback to Henry. I never missed him so much. My only friend.
Peter then looked up at me and I looked at him the same way he looked at me, "It's not worth it."
Peter then  let go of my arm letting it drop to my side.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I'll see you tonight."
"I said tonight." Peter yelled.
I then held my arms around my stomach confused.
"Just wait until, uhm," Peter said scratching his head, "Just wait for Thomas." 
Peter said looking at me with pity.
Then slammed the door and left.

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