A boy with a gentleman touch

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Chapter 6
Still holding his hand I brushed the sand off of my dress with my hand, "Where are we going?" I asked coughing.
"Are you okay," Peter said holding  my cheek in his hand ,"You don't seem rig-"
I grabbed his hand and intertwined are fingers, making both of our hands occupied, "I am..fine."
"Okay, I'm going to take you somewhere."  Peter said smiling as we disappeared in purple smoke on top of this cliff.
Is he trying to kill me or something?

We then sat at the edge of the Cliff, looking at the water below us. Peter looked so..different from when I first met him. He seems..nervous. It shows because I know I am too.
"What's your story , Pan?"
Peter laughed, "Since when do you have an interest in me?"
"I don't, I mean I'm just curious."
"Well that is too long of a story, but I'll tell you one thing about myself."
"Better than nothing I suppose."
Peter shrugged, "It's sort of a big deal. I've never told anyone this. The only other one who knows is Dean, well because he was involved."
I scooted close to him, "Then why tell me such a big secret when you don't even know me."
Peter laughed, holding my hand, "I've never met someone like you before, innocently dangerous."
"I'm not innocent."
"Good, then we won't have a problem."
"Good." I said staring straight ahead at the treetops.         
"I used to be a..prince some time ago.  My father wanted me to be this great ruler who controlled over a great deal of land and a kingdom. I-I couldn't do that to those people it was all to much.
My father has been so obsessed with power and controlling since my mother passed. My mum passed giving birth to Dean. He never got that feeling of being held in his mother's arms. That's why he was so ..I don't know comfortable in yours," Peter wiped his nose and a tear that escaped from his eyes, "I love my mother dearly. But anyway, it was too much. My brother Dean and I ran away. We didn't know where we were going we just took a ship and left..by ourselves and we found this and called it Neverland.  I had a friend before-."
"Who was your friend?"
Peter laughed, "I was just going to get into that. He called me Kit and I called him Gold. Everyone here calls me Kit if there is an emergency. Like a stranger coming to Neverland, "Peter raised his eyebrows at me, "You never know."
"What was your friends name?"
Peter opened his mouth and closed it before he continued talking, "Well. Before I tell you that. Let's just um say I've been 17 for a long time."
I gasped, clenching my grip on Peters hand, "Does that mean you haven't a-"
"I havent aged in decades."
I Blinked rapidly in disbelief, "W-well h-how long h-have you been 17."
"Well, my friend was much younger than I. He was 8, he was like a brother to me," Peter lifted my chin up with his finger making our gazes be at each other," I've been 17 for 67 years."
I laughed , "Maybe I shouldn't be handing out with such an older gentlem-"
"Boy, love I'm a boy. Not a man."      
"Fine, a boy. What was your friends name?"
Peter looked uneasily at the ground, "You sure you want to know?"
I paused, "I am sure."
"It was your father, Rumple Stiltskin."

I gasped, "I-I don't care," I let out a soft laugh, "That doesn't change anything."
"You're falling for a 67 year old guy with a father who's 82."
"Your father had you, with your mother that young?"                
"It obviously wasn't a mistake."
I blushed, "You used to be stone cold and mean and brutal-"
"I still am, its just," Peter looked at me, "you're changing me."
"But what if-"   

Out of no where Peter kisses me ..and I kiss back. We then scooted away from the cliff and continued kissing. Peter laid me on my back, putting his body on top of me , intertwing out fingers that stretched far beyond my reach. His kisses trailed down my neck and then stopped. He then looked me in my eyes and said, "We'll have to continue this later. Before your brother sees us."


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