Hidden between the trees is where you'll find me

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Chapter 7                     

Peter got up and helped me up as well.
Peter laughed, "Yes, your brother..Thomas."

Thomas..my brother.
It now makes perfect since, everything, especially back in Storybrooke.. When he told me 'You're not going to be alone anymore.' It so ugh.
Peter snapped his fingers in front of my face, "Come back to me Violet. I'll let Thomas talk to you about this."
"He could've just told me I don't un-"
"He most likely was waiting for the right moment to tell you," Peter said grabbing my shoulders. Making sure he still kept eye contact, "I mean, how would you react to a stranger telling you he was your brother the moment he met you."
I shrugged my shoulders, and before I could finish, Peter teleported us back to camp..which was empty
Peter then put his lips close to my ear and whispered, "Come to my treehouse tonight. I don't want you sleeping on the sand anymore." He then kissed my cheek and disappeared in purple smoke once more leaving me alone.

"You really think that kiss meant something?" A voice said.
I turned around quickly, noticing a tall boy with blonde hair and blue eyes with a jagged scar running across part of his face.
"W-Who are you?"    
"The names Felix. I'm Pan's right arm."
"I'm Viol-"
"Yeah, I know who you are, Violet," Felix started circling me, "A little girl who doesn't know what's going on. Also Pan's undoing."
"What did you mean before about how that kiss meant something? It was just a kiss on the cheek."
"No, Little One, The one on top of Dead Mans Peak."
I gasped softly, "How did you know about that."
"Little One I know more than you'll ever know. I want to protect you.." Felix stopped circling around me and stopped in front of me, "I want to protect you from Pan."
"What do you mean?"
"He'll use you. Obviously you're special. He hasn't even noticed that Jaelyn left. He wouldn't care."
I sat down on the ground, my dress expanding as I sat down on the ground.  Felix kneeled down next to me  and smiled, "You still have that whistle Hook gave you?"
I laughed, "You really do know everything. "
"Yet to know everything. Now go by your brother."
"Where can I find him?"
"He's down at the shore with Dean collecting sea glass."
"Thank you Felix." I then kissed his cheek.
Felix blushed, "I can only hope that small friendly gesture meant something."
I then smiled at him and got up and walked to the beach.

I looked around the beach , it  would seem so empty to some, but to me, the two people who were by the shore seemed fuller than when I arrived.
I then walked over to them andsat next to Thomas, "Having fun?"

Dean smiled at me as did Thomas.
Thomas then looked over at Dean, "Can I talk to Vi for a second?"
Dean nodded and went further down the shore looking in the sand and rocks for sea glass.
"Can I talk to you?" I said.
Thomas sat down in front of me, "You know don't you."
"Well. I don't give a damn who you heard it from, but I'm gonna say it. I'm your brother. Your twin."


"Yeah," Thomas looked at the ground, "Mum had to, or so how the story goes. She was worried that I would die. So of all people she went to, she went to Pan. Because he apparently has the ability to save people, I don't know. But I am older so I win."
"Are you freaking serious Thomas?"
"Yes," Thomas looked out into the ocean, "Walk with me."

We then got up and walked side-by-side in the water. Where the waves come crashing down on the wet, damp sand.
I picked up the hem of my dress just so I could see my footprints imprint the wet sand. I also watched them disapper. Even though the tide took my footsteps, doesn't mean the imprint is gone.
I then looked over at Thomas and splashed water  on him with my foot.
He then looked over at me with his mouth wife open, "You're so dead."
He then started chasing me until we both fell in the water and started dying of laughter.

This feeling feels like it will be good for a long time.. Just not great..not yet anyway.

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