You're not a animal..or are you?

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Chapter 12

Peter and I parted, he was over by the ledge of the ship while I was cleaning up the ship. A voice then shout out at me..Jaelyn, "Violet!"

Oh right.. I forgot.


Jaelyn then got closer to me, "Adelina? I thought your name was Violet."

I laughed, "They are both my name. You can call me what you like."

"Well Adenlina," Jaelyn grabbed my hand, leading me to her cabin, "You and I have to go get ready for the ball or dance or whatever the hell it is."

I felt eyes lock onto my back, Peter.
I still kept my attention towards Jaelyn though.

"Okay. Let's go."

Jaelyn put me in a short white dress, that went 3 inches above my knees. The dress was tight around my abdomen, making my boobs push up. Yet, below that it flowed like silk.

"Turn around." She said.

I turned around and we both gasped at the sight of both of our dresses. Jaelyn's dress was a tight black dress that had a gold zipper that led down to her butt. We look stunning.

A half an hour later we curled our hair and I put on a pair of white flats and Jaelyn put on a pair of black flats.

We both then walked out of the cabin seeing Peter and Killian standing side by side with their hands folded in front of them. Peter and Killian wore a black tux with a black tie. Holy shit.

Jaelyn and I looked at each other and said, "God damn." With a little giggle.

Peter then yanked me aside, blocking Jaelyn and Killian from view,

"I want you.." Peter said biting his lip.

I bit my lip twirling his black tie with my finger, "Yeah? And what are you going to do about it." I say cocking my eyebrow.

Peter then looked over at Killian who gave slight nod.
Peter then got his attention back at me,
"We have time."

"I'm sure we do."

Peter then ran, with my hand still in his, and stood on the edge of the ship, picking me up with him, so we both stood on the ledge,
"Do you trust me?"
Peter asked.

I breathed heavily in and out trying to catch my breath. I then steadied my focus and gave him a slight nod.
Peter then opened up a bottle of pixie dust and jumped off the edge of the ship with me...
And we both flew away.

Peter and I flew to the land where we were heading. Poor Jaelyn and Killian still have 2 hours to go. Oh well..

I put my free hand out feeling the wind rush past me, as well as the wind that brushed through my hair.
We started landing to what looks like a log cabin..
An abandoned log cabin.

We then landed and started walking towards it, still hand in hand.
Peter opened the door, and we both walked inside.

There was a fire pit, and a small bed that had various types of fur blankets on it.
I let go of Peters hand and walked over to the bed and sat on it. It felt so comfy.

Peter snapped his fingers and a fire started burning in the fire pit, "This used to be where I went as a child..When my father used to make me be something I'm not. Like a ..animal."

I had to get Peter out of his funk. So I did what I had to do, "You know," I said kicking off my shoes, "You can show me what a animal looks like." I said biting my lip.

Peter then smiled at me seductively, taking off his coat, "Anything for you Addi, As long as you help me do my dirty work." Peter said loosing his tie and taking of his shirt.

Revealing..the pale white skin that would soon be ruined by red scratches and bite marks.

"We'll see who's the animal in a second."
Peter said going on top of me, kissing my neck.

We'll see Peter Pan, we'll see.

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