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Clay yawns, waiting in the breakfast line. He rests his forehead on Nick's shoulder in front of him.

"Nick I'm sorry!" Clay groans.

"I bet you are." Nick responds sassily.

"Are you ever gonna tell me what you were doing with Vanessa?" He whines.

"I don't know, maybe if you promise to never neglect me again." Nick walks forward, forcing Clay to stand up straight.

"I promise!" Clay grabs a tray, following Nick closely. "I promise."

"Hmmm, okay okay. I forgive you." Nick smirks. "But it is kinda nice to see you desperate like this."

Clay furrows his eyebrows. "You're an idiot."

"I love you too." Nick winks, looking forward. He steps into the kitchen.

"Wow, confessing your love to another guy already?" A deep voice says behind Clay.

He turns around and it's Peter: aka the guy who helped him with his uniform, aka Vanessa's twin brother.

Clay lets out a confused laugh. "Who, Nick?"

Peter grabs a plate, smiling. "I wouldn't have guessed you played for the other team."

Clay's stomach drops. How do you even respond to that. "W-what?" Is all that escapes Clay's mouth.

Peter lets out a laugh, shaking Clay's arm. "Relax! I'm totally messing with you. I know you and Nick are U.S.A besties."

Clay fakes a smile, his stomach tight. "That's right." He turns forward and walks through the kitchen.

"It wouldn't hurt though." Peter slides his tray up to Clay's.

"What wouldn't hurt." Clay asks, not really caring what he has to say.

"If you were gay." Peter says simply. "I feel like I'm the only gay guy at this school."

Clay looks over to Peter, surprised.

"Don't give me that look." Peter chuckles. "I can feel your judgement from here."

"I'm not judging you. I'm just surprised you're the only gay guy."

"Oh I'm not the only gay guy." Peter laughs. "I just feel like I am." He emphasizes, smiling.

"Gotcha." This makes Clay's mind rack with questions.

They exit out of the kitchen.

Clay looks back to Peter, about to ask the one question burning in his mind.

"I gotta head to sudoku club. We can continue this talk another time... if you want." Peter finishes, his voice smooth. He smiles at Clay almost wickedly, the left dimple that him and Vanessa share pokes out. He does a final take at Clay, then turns away and jogs out of the dining hall.

"He definitely wants your dick." Nick turns around, being in front of them the whole time.

"Bro-" Clay laughs, thwacking Nick in the chest.

"What? It's true." Nick bites into an apple. "He was practically drooling on you."

"You are so stupid." Clay continues to laugh, shaking off that weird conversation with Peter.

They walk over to their breakfast table. They can practically hear the jabbering from a mile away.

"What did we miss?" Nick sits down a seat over from Vanessa. She smiles at him and he smiles back.

Clay sits next to Nick; across from George. He eyes George, greeting him with a smile. But George doesn't even look his way.


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