Hermione and Hargrids Return

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Hope POV

It's been a few days since the Chamber incident and people apologized continuously to Harry for being so cold to him. I explained my Sine Witchy-ness to Ginny and she accepted that, saying she would keep it a secret from the rest of her family and everyone else. Now, Harry, Ron, and I are at dinner when Neville gets our attention.

"Hope, look, it's Hermione." He points.

My head snaps towards the door and smile when I see my Best Friend standing there. Yes, I consider her my best friend now. That role used to be played by Henry until he... died.

I jump up from my seat and Hermione and I sprint towards each other and wrap each other in a hug.

"You have no idea how much I missed you." I tell her and we step back. "Those two were this close to driving me insane."

She laughs and she hugs Harry. When she pulls away from him, her and Ron go to hug each other but stop and just awkwardly shake hands. I glance at Harry and we share a knowing look. I wonder how long it will take for them to realize they like each other.

"It's good to be back. Congratulations, I can't believe you solved it." She says.

"Well, we had a ton of help from you." Harry replied.

"We couldn't have done it without you." Ron agrees.


McGonagall taps a spoon against her glass a few times to get everyone's attention.

"Can I have your attention please?"

We rush to sit back down and listen.

"Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout, Madam Promfey. The mandrake juice has been successfully administered to all who have been petrified." He says.

Everyone cheers as I smile at Hermione.

"Also, in light of recent events, as a School treat, all exams have been cancelled." Everyone cheered even louder at this with the exception of Hermione, who said "no" under her breathe.

The cheering died down and the doors to the Great Hall burst open to show Hagrid walking in. "Sorry I'm late. The owl that delivered my release papers hit all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird named Errol.

I hold back a laugh at Ron and Ginny's faces flushed red with embarrassment. Hagrid stood behind the four of us, us turning and smiling at him. "I'd just like to say, if it hadn't been for you Harry, Ron, Hope, and Hermione o'course, I'd uh, I'd still be you know where. I'd just like to say thanks"

Harry then stands up. "There's no Hogwarts without you Hagrid." He says and then hugs him. Dumbledore then stands and starts clapping, everyone else except for the Slytherins joining in as well.

Once the clapping dies down, the feast begins and we just enjoy each other's company, our worries all going away for the night.


The last few days of School went by quickly and now it's leaving day. On the train, I changed into Normal clothes - thank god. The robes are just a bit dramatic if you ask me - and made my way back to the compartment.

We spend the last few minutes of the train ride just chatting about normal magical things and all that, laughing at jokes, Etc.

Finally, the train comes to a halt and we get up and gather all of our things. Me and Ron raced over to his family, Molly and Arthur hugging us and saying how much they missed us. Molly also said that if I ever got captured again she's grounding me.

I smile at her.

She's like another Aunt. I already know that I would prefer that I was still living with Freya and could still face time with Kol, Davina, Rebekah, and everyone else but I can't right now so I may as well try and make the best of these moments with these amazing people.

We all pile into the Weasley's new/old car outside and make our way back to the burrow.

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