Dragons and Stones

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Hermione comes back and they find info on Nicholas Flamel + question Hagrid about stone

Hopes POV

"Of Course" Hermione exclaimed as she threw an old book on the table in front of us. Hermione had gotten back a while ago and ever since we had continued searching for information on Nicholas Flamel. "Ihad you looking in the wrong section! how could I be so stupid". She slammed a dusty book down on the table in feo t of us and sat down. "I checked this out weeks ago. forbidden light reading" she said as she opened the book. "This is light" Ron said his eyes widened. Hermione glared at him as she continued to flip through the pages until She stopped. "Here it is. Nicholas Flamel is the only know maker of the philosophers stone" she said. "The what" Harry and Ron asked in unison. "Honestly don't you two read. The philosophers stone is a legendary substance with much power. It'll transform any metal into pure gold as produce the elixir of life, which will make the drinker immortal.". "Immortal???" Ron exclaimed. "It means you'll never die". "I know what it means" he snapped. She rolled her eyes and me and Harry glanced at each other. "The only stone currently in existence belongs to Me Nicholas Flamel. The noted alchemist who last year celebrated his 665 birthday. That's what fluffy's guarding on the third floor. That's what's under the trapdoor. The philosophers stone" she explained.
As soon as it was dark, the four of us ran outside down to Hagrid's Hut. Harry banged on the door for it to be opened by Hagrid. "Hagrid" Hermione started but he interrupted her. "Oh hello. Sorry don't mean to be rude but I'm in no fit state to entertain today" he said and started to shut the door. "We know about the philosophers stone" we said in unison. He opened the door and looked at us. "Oh". He let us in. "We think Snape's trying to steal it" said Harry while taking his cloak off. "Snape" Hagrid replied. "Blimy your not still on about him are ya" he finished. We all sat down and Harry said "Hagrid, we know he's after the stone we just don't know why". "Listen" Hagrid said. "Snape is one of the teachers protecting the stone. He's not about to steal it". "What" the two boys exclaimed as they looked at each other, confused. "Wait a minute. One of the teachers" Harry started. "Of course! There are other things protecting the stone. Spells. Enchantment. Aren't there" she finished proud of her realization. "That's right" Hagrid praises Hermione much to her delight. Then she saw Hagrid's dog trying to lick Ron's face. "Waste of time if you ask me. Ain't no one gonna get past fluffy. Not a soul knows how. Except me and Dumbledore. I should not have told you that. I should not have told you that" he said. Then something in his pot over the stove started to shake. Hagrid turned around and reached his oven mit covered hands into the pot only to pull out a copper colored egg. It seemed to be hot because Hagrid kept going "oo, oo, oo" as he placed the egg on the table. We all gathered to see it. It kept shaking. "Hagrid, what exactly is that" Harry asked knowing that it could be dangerous considering that Fluffy was Hagrid's pet ."that is.... well that is ugh..." he said trying to find the words that wouldn't escape his mouth. "I know what that is" exclaimed Ron. I started piecing it together. Something that only Ron and Hagrid knew looked like. Hagrid likes beast and Ron mentioned something about beasts and his brother in Romania. It was coming together now. I was so lost in though that I missed like half their conversation before the top half of the egg shattered revealing a baby dragon. "Isn't he beautiful" Hagrid said, his eyes glassy with tears ."oh look he knows his mummy" Hagrid said as the Dragon lurked and started walking across the table towards him. He scratched just behind the dragons ears as if he were a dog. "Hello Norbert" he said as he did this. "Norbert" asked Harry. "Yeah well he's gotta have a name don he" he replied making Harry smile for a second. The dragon then sneezed I think and a burst of flames shot out and into Hagrid's big bushy beard. He pressed on the flames continuously until they were out. "Who's that" he asked as he saw a blonde boy at the window. We turned to see the familiar face of Draco Malfoy turning to run to the school. "Malfoy" Harry said. "Oh dear" Hagrid said.
We walked out and back into the school. On our way to the dormitories we ran into someone who we didn't want to see until transfiguration class. McGonagall stood there looking stern and disappointed when she saw us. "Good evening" she said as Malfoy came into sight from behind her.

Scene (next scene is Hagrids scene)

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