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Hope POV

My eyes widen in shock from the sight in front of me. All I can do is stare at the petrified Ghost and Boy. First the voices lead the scar headed boy to Mrs Norris and now to here, especially after the hole snake incessant the Hermione explains for me. This is not going to look well of someone finds us here but we have to let someone know. Harry walks over and kneels next to Justin just before I feel a presence behind me. "Caught in the act" I hear Filch say and we both whip around to face the caretaker. "I'll have you thrown out this time Potter. Mark my words" he threatens. With that the old man rushes off. "No! Mr Filch!" Harry calls out but he's gone and isn't stopping to listen to Harry. The scar headed boy then runs a hand through his hair as I send a reassuring smile towards him, which he returns. Then, he spots something on the floor and stands up. Confused, I follow him to the window, where hundreds of tiny dark spiders running out of the castle. "This isn't usual spider behavior" I muttered as I watch them scuttle away quickly. We hear footsteps come back and this time Filch isn't alone. We turn to see McGonagall with him and she looks absolutely horrified. "Professor, I swear we didn't" Harry says. "This is out of my hands you two. Come with me" she says. Harry nods as I just follow the two. We follow her to the eagle that leads to Professor Dumbledore's office. I've been here loads of time before. He even trusts me with the password but it's only to be used when needed. "Professor Dumbledore will be waiting for you. Sherbet Lemon" she says. I walk onto the first step and Harry quickly follows as the eagle begins to rotate into a stairwell. He looks in complete awe of the entrance to the office. Once we are at the top we open the door to his actual office to find we can't see anyone. "Professor Dumbledore" Harry calls. Nothing, though I can tell he is in here, or at least someone is. Harry walks over to the bird known as Fawkes the Phoenix. I smile at the bird who nods it's head to me. Suddenly, Fawkes goes up in flames and Harry looks horrified. Must've never seen or not know that a Phoenix bursts into flames when it dies and will come back to life. "Harry? Hope?" Dumbledore asks, walking out of his back room. "Professor, your bird...... there was nothing we could do. He just caught fire" he tries to explain. "Oh and about time too. He's been looking dreadful for days. Pity you had to see him on a burning day" Dumbledore says. Harry just looks confused and I keep myself from laughing. "Fawkes, is a Phoenix Harry. They burst into flame when it is time for them to die, and then they are reborn from the ashes" I explain just as a baby Fawkes head pops up from the ashes. "Ah, fascinating creatures phoenixes. They can c dry immensely heavy loads. Their tears have healing powers"  Dumbledore explains as he scratches little Fawkes head. "Professor Dumbledore, sir! Wait! Listen!" Hagrid yells as he comes bursting through the door. "Professor Dumbledore, sir, it wasn't Harry or Hope" He says and I smile at the lovable half giant. "Hagrid" Dumbledore tries but Hagrid cuts him off. "I'd be prepared to swear it in front of the Ministry of Magic-" Hagrid says but this time Dumbledore cuts him off. "HAGRID!" Dumbledore says, effectively cutting him off. "Relax. I do not believe Harry or Hope attacked anybody" he says calmly. "Well of course you don't. I-oh. Oh right, well I'll, then. I'll just wait outside" he says and eaves the office after realizing what Dumbledore said. "You don't think it was us Professor" Harry asks him. "No Harry, I do not think it was you or Hope. But I must ask you, is there something either of you wish to tell me?" He asks. Harry shakes his head for us both. "No sir, nothing" he says. "Well then, the two of you are free to go. Just please be careful" he said and I could sense the twinge of worry in him but reluctantly, me and Harry left the office.
As soon as we entered the common room, we saw Hermione and Ron sitting at our usual place in the common room. "Where were you two!? Did you hear about what happened after you left!?!" Hermione asked once we had sat down. "Yeah. Justin Finch Fletchy was petrified along with nearly headless Nick. Everyone's been saying that you did it Harry" Ron said. "We know" I said. "We were the ones that found them" Harry added. "Which doesn't really help the rumors" I say. "You what!?!" Hermione asks. "We found them after we left and Filch saw us like, a few seconds after we found them and got McGonagall who sent us to Dumbledore but he says he believes we didn't do it" Harry explained in one breathe before she could go into a full blown yelling session. "I wonder who did it then" she mumbled as she calmed down. "I think you know who" Harry said and I rolled my eyes. These three never learn. "We don't know if it's Malfoy and we won't until the potion is done. Speaking of it should be done by the time Winter Break comes around" I say. Sounds good to me" Ron replies. After he says that we drop the conversation. We don't want anyone listening in and trying to, I don't know, get us in trouble for trying to figure something out. "I'm gonna go to bed now" I say and the trio nods. I start making my way to the Girls Dormitories. I can only hope that I'm wrong about Malfoy not being the heir to Slytherin because if I am, the we know who we are dealing with and it would be a lot easier to take him down but if I am right, we and then School have an unknown enemy and that is not a ride in the park.

1.05k reads everyone!!!!!! I honestly don't know how but I love it!! Have a great rest of your life and remember to stay safe!!! 😷

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