Rouge Bludger

304 15 1

Hope POV

A few days after Hermione and I started to make the potion it's our first quidditch match against Slytherin. I hated when we went against them. Last time we did Harry got his broom jinxed and almost died. The game seems to be going pretty good so far. Wood is guarding the goals pretty well and nothing seems to be going terribly wrong yet so that's good. Slytherin ends up getting the quaffed through one of goals. "Slytherin Scores! Gryffindor leads them 130 to 50" Lee Jordan shouts. I have to admit, with the Slytherins new brooms, a lot of the Gryffindor players are having trouble keeping up with the Slytherins. I see Harry and Malfoy, who bought his way onto the Slytherin team as a Seeker, speeding side by side and I know they see the snitch. Suddenly Harry starts getting chased by a Bludger that just doesn't seem to leave him alone. He gets chased all around the field and the crowd is on the edge of their seats until he crashes into the ground. "HARRY POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! A HUNDRED AND FIFTY POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!" Lee Jordan yells. "GRYFFINDOR WINS" Madam Hooch yells. Harry is still living on the ground and clutching the arm that the Bludger hit. Me, Ron, Hermione and the other teachers start to make our way to the field quickly. A Bludger keeps coming down and trying to hit him. He rolls out of the way and spreads his legs apart during the three times it came down. Before it can try and kill him again Hermione pulls out her wand and shouts a spell "Finite Incatartum" she says and waves her wand. The Bludger explodes into tiny specks which rains down on Harry. "Are you okay" Hermione asks. "No I think my arms broken" he replies as he holds his arm and sits up. "We have to get you to madam Pomfrey" Hermione tells him. "Not to worry Harry, I will fix that arm of yours straight away" Lockhart says as he walks over. It was then I realize that I was frozen in place and my eyes widen. "Ugh no" I snap at him but he ignores me. Harry looks horrified. "No, no, not you" he says. "Poor boy, doesn't know what he's saying" he says as he looks at the teachers behind him. He then carefully grabbed Harrys broken arm and slides his sleeve up. He pulls out his wand and aims it towards his arm. "Brakium Emendo" he says. A flash of light emits from Lockhart's wand. That couldn't have possibly worked. Suddenly Lockhart bends Harrys arm back in a sickening way and Harry doesn't even wince. "Well at least the one is no longer broken" Lockhart says. "No longer broken? There's no bones left" I snap at him. I've had enough of this guy. Hermione notices this and grabs my wrist and Harrys good arm. "Come on Hope, let's get Harry to the Hospital wing" she says and I don't get a chance to nod because Ron has helped Harry up and Hermione was dragging me to the Castle while Ron was now walking with Harry.
Once he's in there, Madam Pomfrey kicks us out and tells us not to come back until tomorrow. I glare at the nurse as Hermione drags me out before I can insult her physically or verbally. It's late by the time we reach the Common room and I'm tired and in need of a shower. Once I've cleaned up I climb into my bed and curl up under my blanket without saying night to Hermione. Soon enough I am fast asleep.

Hope Mikaelson - At HogwartsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat