Talk about 2 Faces

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Hopes POV

"You" Harry said when he r slices who it was and that it wasn't Snape. The turban man turned around to face Harry. "No it can't be. Snape. He was - He was the one who" Harry started but was cut off by a now non-stuttering Professor Quirell. "Yes yes. Snape does seem the type, doesn't he? Next to him who would suspect p-p-p-poor st-st-stuttering Professor Quirell He said mimicking his fake high pitch voice and stuttering problem. "But that day, during the Quiditch match, Snape tried to kill me" Harry said confused. Quirell shook his head. "Mmm no dear boy" he started. "I tried to Kill You" he finished in a yell. "And trust me, if snapes cloak hadn't caught fire and broken my eye contact, I would've succeeded. Even with Snape muttering his little counter curse" he said. "Snape tried to save me" Harry asked not believing it himself. "Yes. I had everything accounted for. "He was onto me right from the start. Especially after Halloween" he said angrily. Harry was piecing it together in his head. "So, so you let the troll in" Harry accused Quirell. "Very good Potter, Yes. Snape unfortunately wasn't fooled. While everyone else was running about the dungeon he went to the third floor to head me off. He of course, never trusted me again. He barely left me alone. But he doesn't under stand" Quirell said turning back to the mirror and Harry started pressing his scar again. "I'm never alone" he continued again. "Ever. Now what does this mirror do" he asked while he gazed into the mirror trying to figure it out. "I see what I desire. I see myself holding the stone. But how did I get it" he asked himself. "Use the kids" a course voice said from somewhere. Quirell then whipped around and pointed at us. "Come here Potter and Mikaelson. Now" he yelled. We did as we were told and finished descending down the steps and walked over to him and looked in front of the mirror. I went first. "Tell me Mikaelson, what do you see" he asked me. I looked at the mirror and saw myself with my family. Then Harry walked in. Not in real life but in the mirror. I saw him pull a purple shining stone out of his pant pocket. He then put his finger to his mouth to signal for me to say anything about it. "I see me with my Family" I said. I could practically feel Harrys Questioning look trying to rip into my soul. But I didn't look at him. I glanced at Quirell and stepped back. "Your turn Potter" he said as Harry stepped up. I saw his eyes widen and his hand clutched something in his pocket and let go. Whoa. "What is it what do you see" Quirell shouted desperately. Harry jumped a bit and looked at Quirell. "I-I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore. I've won the house cup" he said. Oh I've known liars and it was obvious Harry was completely lying, even if I hadn't seen him grip something on his pocket or pull the stone out in the mirror. "They lie" the coarse voice said again. It was quite loud and sounded like it was everywhere. "Tell the truth! What do you see?" Quirell shouted at us. "Let me speak to them" said the voice again, making Harry face be washed over with fear but mine stayed straight. I've dealt with worse things than one whispering voice. "Master you are not strong enough" Quirell said to thin air. "I have strength enough, for thissssss" the voice said. With that Quirell began removing his turban. Unwrapping each layer to finally reveal a face on the back of his head.

My eyes widened along with Harrys

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My eyes widened along with Harrys. This was just messed up.The skin was pale and had slits for nostrils. He looked like a snake. "Harry Potter, we meet again" He said. I was wrong. His voice wasn't coarse. It was like a snakes sound but in words. Harrys and my eyes widen. "Voldemort" was all Harry said. "Yesss. You see what I've become. Do you see what I must do to survive. Live off another and be a parasite. Unicorn blood can sustain me, but it cannot give me a body of my own. But there is something that can. Something that conveniently enough, lies in your pocket" he said. Harrys eyes widened even more and he made a run for it. "Stop Him" Voldemort ordered Quirell, who snapped his fingers and fire lit around the whole room, making it impossible for Harry to leave without being burnt to a crisp. "You know I had everything accounted for" Voldemort said obviously annoyed. "I had you accounted for, I had Dumbledore, I had everything except one thing" he said. "What was that" Harry asked him. Voldemort's eyes moved to me. "Hope Mikaelson" he snickered. Harry whipped his head around to face me and my eyes widened. "What about her" he asked him. "That night in the forest, I never sensed so much power" he said never taking his eyes off her. "Then I figured it out. I figured out what you are" he said. Harry was confused by I didn't look at him. A wave of panic crashes into my face. How could he know my secret? How could he..... My thoughts were interrupted by him speaking again. "Your a sine witch" he said, poi's of himself for figuring it out. "What's a sine witch" Harry asked.  "Later Harry" I said. My face relaxed. "So you know I'm a sine witch which means you know I can do more spells without a wand" I said, only loud enough for him to hear. His proud look fell and I smirked. Voldemort and Quirell looked back at Harry and I wanted to see what happened next. "why suffer a horrific death, when you can join me" he suggested to Harry. "NEVER" he yelled at him. "Ha. Bravery. Your parents had it too" he said. Then he smirked. Oh No. "tell me Harry, would you like to see your mother and father again" he said. Big bombshell. I looked at Harry whose eyes widened. "Harry he's lying" I pleaded. "Together, we can bring them back" Voldemort said after ignoring what I had said. "Just give me the stone". Harrys looked next to Voldemort and in the mirror. I knew he saw his parents. Harry reaches in his pocket and pulled out the stone. "No Harry Don't" I yelled. "That's it Harry. There is no good and evil. There is only power and those to weak to seek it. Together, we'll do extraordinary things. Just give me the stone" Voldemort said Desperately at the mention of the stone. Harrys eyes moved from me to Voldemort to the stone and back to Voldemort. "You Liar" he yelled out with anger. "Kill him" Voldemort ordered Quirell. He flew through the air and knocked Harry down who dropped the stone. Quirell was choking him and Harry was Reaching for the stone . He then placed his hand on Quirells to try and pull it off. I was about to do something but at Harry's touch, Quirells skin started to crumble and fall off of him. He backed off while Harry looked at his hands. "Ahhhhh" Quirell yelled. "What is this sorcery" he yelled to his master in pain.
"Fool. Get the stone" Voldemort told him. Harry glanced at his hands and back to Quirell who was now storming towards him. He quickly got up and ran to him and pushed his hands into his face, which started to burn, crumble, and fall. Taking his whole body along with it, leaving a pile of clothes. Holy shit. Harry looked back at the stone and picked it up. We smiled at each other. "We did it" he said happily and laughing at how after all of that all he had to do was touch him. I smiled back at him. That's when I saw a swirl of Gray cloud form up again and my face fell. The cloud formed to create Voldemort's ghost. "Harry" I exclaimed and ran towards him. I pushed him out of the way and used my magic to keep the stone from hitting the ground when he dropped it again. I magically brought it to me just before his ghost went through my chest. I screamed in pain and fall to the ground. The stone rolled out of hand and then, everything went black.

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