A Glimpse Into The Past

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Hope POV

We look around and spot a bit around 16 years old standing at the top of a staircase. Harry drags me towards him though with my strength I could totally pull back but I didn't. "Hey, excuse me, can you tell us what's going on here?"Harry asks the boy.

The closer we got to him, the stronger this faint feeling that something was wrong grew.

The boy didn't reply and just continued staring off into the distance, like we weren't even here. "Are you Tom Riddle? Hello? Can you hear me?" Harry continues questioning the boy.

"Harry" I say, stopping him from asking any more annoying questions. He looks at me. "I don't think he can see or hear us."

We look up the stairs to see what he was looking at to see older wizards carrying a gurney. When they walk past us, a limo arm falls into view from underneath the sheets. "Riddle? Come." We hear a voice say and turn towards it to see a younger looking Professor Dumbledore.

"Professor Dumbledore." Tom says, walking up the stairs to meet him, me and Harry following behind. "It's not wise for you to be wandering around at this late hour, Tom." Dumbledore tells the boy.

"I'm sorry, Professor. I just, I suppose I had to see for myself if the tumors were true."

"Im afraid they are, Tom."

"About the School too? I don't have a home to go to. They wouldn't really close Hogwarts, would they, Professor?" Tom asks. I've known plenty of lairs and bad people in my life to know that there's something off with this guy. This whole memory or whatever just seems a bit too.... Perfect to be true. The events are bad but it all seems too perfect to trust everything about it.

"I know, Tom, but I'm afraid Headmaster Dippet may have no choice." Dumbledore replied.

"So it'll stop once the person who's done this is caught?" Tom asked, seemingly knowing who's done it from what I can tell.

"Is there something you wish to tell me?"

"No sir, nothing."

Dumbledore looked at Tom skeptically before deciding not to push, after all he might be telling the truth and he has no proof he isn't. "Very well then, off you go."

"Goodnight, sir."

With that, Tom walks off with Harry and I following him. We don't walk towards any of the common rooms but instead to a secluded part of the castle. He walks to an old, worn door and throws it open.

"Evening Hagrid."

I narrow my eyes at Tom. Like I said.. too perfect of an explanation. Too easy.

"I have to turn you in, Hagrid. I don't think you meant it to kill anyone."

"You can't. You don't understand." young Hagrid tries. He sounds desperate but not like he murdered someone. "The dead girls parents will be here tomorrow. The least Hogwarts can do is slaughter the things that killed their daughter." Tom reasons.

"It wasn't him, Aragog never killed no one." Hagrid defended this so called Aragog.

"Monsters don't make good pets, Hagrid. Now step aside."


"Stand aside, Hagrid!"


"Cistem Aperio." Tom waved his wand, sending light at the chest. It pops open and from it, a creature runs. It moves as if it's terrified, not just trying to run away. If it were the killer, I'm sure it would have not had a problem with killing Tom.

"Aragog! Aragog!" Hagrid yells.

Tom turns his wand on Hagrid so he can't run after the creature.

I feel the pulling feeling again, like I'm being sucked out of a straw. "No." I breathe out. This isn't enough. None of this is real proof. I hear Harry call out for Hagrid as the pulling becomes stronger and we start moving away from the memory.

Suddenly me and Harry are back in our Common Room, in the same spots as before we left.

"Hagrid did it." I hear Harry's voice say.

"I'm sorry, What?!" I ask, whipping my head around to face him.

"Come on, Hope, you saw that."

"What I saw wasn't proof. It was something half baked." I said, clenching my hands into fists.

"It wasn't Half Baked. Hagrid was responsible a nod got caught. It was a fully baked cake." He argued.

"I'm going to bed." I said, feeling like I was about to hurt him.

"Aw, come on, Hope." He sighed.

I didn't answer as I continued walking up the stairs and to my bed.

How can he think that Hagrid, of all people, is a murder. Hagrid was my first friend here now that I think about it. I refuse to believe that he is just another liar in my life. There's now way, it's not possible. Besides, I don't think he has it in him to kill someone or even protect a murder.

Hope Mikaelson - At Hogwartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें