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Hopes POV

We were all sitting at out house tables in the great hall. I wasn't talking to anyone. I was just sitting there minding my own business. "Where's Hermione" Harry asked. "Paravarti told me she been in girls bathroom all day, crying" said Dean. I saw Ron and Harry exchange looks. What did they do. I glared at them for a second. Then the doors opened and Quirell came running in. "Troll" he yelled. "Troll in the Dungeon! Troll in the Dungeon!" He yelled running halfway to the teachers table before stopping. "Thought you'd want to know" he said before fainting. Everyone was silent. There was something off about Quirell. Then all the kids screamed and got up to start running. I covered my ears. "SILENCE" announced Dumbledore. Everyone freezes where they were. "Now, student will follow their prefects to their common rooms while the teachers will come with me to the Dungeons" he said calmly. Each house grouped together and followed their prefects. I got up to do the same when I heard Harry say something to Ron. "Hermione" he whispered. Ron looked confused before he added "she doesn't know". Ron's eyes widened along with mine. I used my enhanced speed to run to the bathrooms. I got there before Harry and Ron. I ran inside and was about to call Hermione's name when I heard something behind me. I slowly turned around just as Hermione came out of the stall wiping her eyes of tears. She screamed when saw the troll and it lifted its club above its head and swings it down after Hermione and I hid under the sinks. It hit the sink next to us and we screamed. I quickly got put from under the sinks and yelled out "fluctus Inpulsa". I moved my hands in a circular motion and directed them towards the troll. A shock wave flew from my hands and hit the troll in the head. I rolled under the stalls hoping to distract the troll from Hermione when Ron and Harry came in. They started throwing wood at the troll hoping to get its attention as well. "Hey, PeaBrain" Ron yelled, getting the troll to turn and look at him. The piece of wood he threw hit the troll right in the head. He seemed to get angry. Harry then ran up pulling out his wand and jumped on the trolls club. The troll lifted the club not knowing that Harry was on it, until he slipped off and landed on the trolls shoulders. The troll flailed his head around trying to get Harry off. Harrys wand then got shoved into the trolls nose. The troll grabbed Harry with his hand and tried to swing at him with his club. Each time missing but it wouldn't be long before it hit him in the head. "Do Something" Harry yelled as the troll swung and missed again. "What" yelped Ron in Reply. "Anything". Ron took his wand out and Hermione reminded him to swish and flick. "Wingardrium Liviosa" he said and the trolls club stayed in the air when the troll went to hit Harry again. "Cool" I heard Ron say in amazement. The troll looked up and the club then fell and hit him on the head, knocking him out. He dropped Harry and he crawled away as the troll was falling. "Is it dead" Hermione asked. "I don't think so, just knocked out" Harry answered her question just before a group of teachers walked in. "Explain yourselves, both of you" McGonnagal said to Harry and Ron coldly. The two started talking at once. "It was my fault" said Hermione out of nowhere, surprising all of us. "No it was both of ours" I said. The boys looked even more surprised than the teachers. "We went looking for the troll. I had read something on them and thought I could handle it. Hope came with me to help if things went wrong after she couldn't convince me to stay" Hermione explained with a fake situation. I wanted to tell her that it was all my fault but that wouldn't work right. I nodded my head slowly and looked at the ground. "5 points will be taken from both of you for your serious lack of judgement" she said and be kept out heads down. She turned and looked at the boys. "And you two will be awarded 10 points each, for shear dumb luck" she said. The boys looked at each other with smiles on their faces. That's probably the only points they've been awarded all year. "Now go back to your dormitories" she said and gestured for us to walk out.

Back in the Gryffindor Tower

"You guys didn't have to do that" Harry said. We smiled slightly and I answered "we wanted to". They shot slight smiles back at us and went to their dormitories. I started to walk up to ours but Hermione was standing still. "Hermione are you coming" I asked walking back down. "What kind of magic was that" she asked me. I was searching for words as she started talking again. "It was like you were speaking a different language and you didn't have you wand". I took a breathe and said "can you keep a secret". She nodded her head. "I'm a sine witch. It means I don't need a wand to do magic". "I thought they didn't exists" Hermione said. "So does trusting me mean that we're friends" she asked me with a hopeful smile on her face. I paused. I don't usually want friends but nobody knows who I am so maybe...... I thought to myself. "Yes we're friends" I said and she hugged me. The smile never disappearing from her face and a smile coming onto mine.

Hope Mikaelson - At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now