The Mirror

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Mirror of Erised (Hope sees her family)

Harrys POV

Hope and Ron has stayed behind to sleep while I wore my invisibility cloak to the restricted section in the library. I brought my lantern and was walking forward reading the words on the spines of the books as I went. I got curious as to why we couldn't go in here without permission to read a certain book so I pulled one off the shelf. The title read Ghosts and Ghouls. I opened the book and a face looked like it was trying to get out of the book and eat me. It screamed and I used all my strength to push it. Then I heard a voice that I didn't want to hear. "Who's in here" said the familiar voice of Filch. I grabbed my cloak and ran. When I pulled the cloak off of the table it was on, my lantern fell on the floor. I didn't stop to pick it up. I ran and turned a corner almost bumping into Snape. I realized he was holding Quirell by his neck against the wall. I breathed louder than I should have and Snape heard it. He used his other hand to reach out into the thin air, almost grabbing me if I hadn't backed away quietly. Convinced that there was no one there, he whipped his head around back to Quirell. "If I find it was you..." he started but Filch turned the corner and Snape instantly let Quirell go. "Professors" he said and held up the broken lamp. "I found this in the restricted section. It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed" he said. Snape's eyes widened and he, Quirrel, and Filch walked to the direction of the library. I walked the opposite way and opened the only door I saw. I there I dropped the cloak. I had never seen this room before. It was empty except for something big covered with a sheet in the middle of the room. I walked over and ripped the sheet off. Under it, there was a huge golden mirror. I looked at it and saw something that made me so happy and sad I wanted to cry. I saw me and my parents standing on each side of me. I reached to touch my mother's hand but she wasn't there. That made me sadder. The. I got up, threw my cloak on, and ran back to the common room.

Hopes POV

"Ron! Ron! Wake up! You've got to see this! Cmon" I heard Harry yell. I groaned and jumped out of bed. What was going On. I ran down the stairs just as Harry and Ron came from their Dormitory. "Harry what's going on" I asked him and rubbed my eyes. He said nothing but grabbed my hand and yanked me and Ron with him. He dragged us all the way to an empty room. Well except for the giant mirror in the middle. He ran over to it and we followed. "Look I saw my parents" he said. "Stand there" he told Ron and stepped out of the way. "There you see.." he started but was cut off by an excited Ron. "That's me!" He exclaimed. "Only I'm head boy. And I'm holding the house cup". He sounded pretty happy whilst Harry looked disappointed. I grabbed his shoulder. "Maybe I'll see them" I said. I stepped in front of the mirror and Ron stepped away. I feel a tear run down my cheek. "Hope" I heard Harry say questioningly and with concern. I saw me and my entire family there, even Henrik. The only people that weren't there were my psychotic Grandmother and great aunt Daliah. I missed them so much and wondered if I would ever make it home to my remaining family members. I heard Harry say my name again. I wanted to stay forever. This mirror could be dangerous though. I couldn't say anything. I just ran out of the room. When I was far enough away I whispered my own invisibility spell. I ran into the common room and lay on my bed. I cried. Then I decided to draw a picture of what I saw, so that I would always be able to see my family. I sketched all night and kept going until I fell asleep.

Harrys POV

We were worried about Hope. She hadn't come for breakfast at all so me and Eon decided we were bravely going to enter the girls dormitory and check on Hope. We walked up the stairs and squeezed our eyes shut. We bumped into a few things until we finally decided to open our eyes. Hope was sitting up but sleeping. She had a sketch pad in her lap and pencils all around her. I picked up the picture. I had the most detailed drawing of Hope and a bunch of other people. I wonder who they are. Me and Ron shook Hope gently. Her eyes suddenly snapped open and she punched Ron in the face. "Owwww. What was that for" he said clutching his nose. "Oh My God. I'm so Sorry Ron. I Didn't know you were... I......Sorry" she said. "It's okay" he said. Hope smiled a bit and I did too. Suddenly she burst out laughing until we were all laughing. Then she stopped. "Wait a minute" she said. "What were you two doing in the girls dormitories". "We came to see you after last nights events" I said. "Look I'll be fine but you two need to promise not to go there again" she said seriously. "Why" I asked her. "Because from what I've seen and what you've told me about that mirror can show you your greatest desires. That means that it can distract you, be used as a weapon against you, and plenty more". "I guess" Ron said. I hesitated. "Ok" I said and nodded my head. "Okay let's go do something" she said as she stood up. She glanced at her bed and saw the sketch pad. She quickly grabbed it and put it in her trunk. "Ok now let's go" she said with a laugh that I could tell was half fake. But we were obedient and went outside.

Harrys POV

I was sitting by the mirror again staring into my parents faces. "Backs again, Harry". I whipped my head around to see Professor Dumbledore. "Professor I.." he cut me off. "I know Harry. Miss Mikaelson informed me that you might come back here. I've seen you coming here all week hoping that you'd stop". "Professor, would you mind telling me, what the mirror does" I asked him. He looked at the ground then back at me. "The happiest man in the world could look in the mirror and see only himself there whereas the most depressed man could look in and see himself with everything" he said. "So it shows us what we want. Whatever we want" I said after thinking for a moment about what he said. "Well, yes and no. The mirror, Harry, shows us our greatest desires. Ron has always been in the shadows of his family. So he wants to be in the spotlight. You have never known your family. And Miss Mikaelson, well that's her secret. Men have wasted their life in front of it, even gone mad." I just looked at him. "Tomorrow the mirror will be moved to a new him and I ask that you don't go looking for it again" he said and left the room after I nodded. I wanted to be mad at Hope but she was just looking out for my best interests. Maybe she was right. Maybe the mirror wasn't something to mess with.

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