She's the devil in disguise

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Aaron was in a bad mood

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Aaron was in a bad mood.

You were in a bad mood.

You hid it better then Aaron, but it was undeniable. You were both in very bad moods.

'What's up with boss-man?' Morgan asked as he sat across from you at the table on the jet, a hint of sass behind his words that you just couldn't deal with at that point in time.

'Why would I know?' You snap, unable to stop yourself and regretting it immediately.

'Woah I didn't mean to upset you princess.' Derek says as he lifts his hands up in mock-surrender. You take a deep sigh before replying, really regretting your snappy behaviour but thankful that it was only Derek and not Reid as you could have actually upset him. Your mind wanders over the last time someone had called you princess, but you snap out of it as soon as you can.

'Sorry. I'm just... I've just had a bad day I'm sorry.'

'It's ok. Promise not to bite my head off?' He jokes and you smile, happy that he always understands and can make light of a bad situation.

'Promise.' He smiles up at you before his eyes quickly shift to look behind you. He looks slightly shocked for a second before covering his mouth as he coughs- a clear indicator to look behind you. You give it a second before turning away from him to look and repeat his own shocked face from a mere few seconds previously.

She was here.

She stood there, a hand delicately placed on Rossi's shoulder in a very non-subtle way as he casually raised an eyebrow at her mid-sentence with Aaron. Aaron who looked pissed.

Strauss always seemed to bring that side out of him.

'Agent Y/L/N. How nice to finally see you in the field.' She spoke with her typical half-hearted politeness as she walked towards you, sticking her hand out in a 'friendly' handshake. Your eyes met Dave's over her shoulder for a second as you took her hand in yours as he smirked ever so slightly at your clear uncomfortableness.

'It's nice to see you too, Agent Strauss.' You spoke not even half-heartedly and almost through a grimace before she turned away from you to sit down and your eyes glanced over to meet Aaron's. Unsurprisingly he was staring right at you, his Hotch-face barely hiding the anger in his eyes that she was here. 'If she ever joins us in the field it's because she thinks I'm not doing my job properly.' He would always say.

To say there was tension on the plane ride to Kansas was a rather large understatement. Firstly, there was the officially-regarded tension between Hotch and Strauss that would never seem to sit right on a normal day. Secondly, there was the tension of Hotch's team against Strauss- especially as Derek always seems to make it very clear that he dislikes the woman. And thirdly, and probably most prominently as the elephant in the room, was the undeniable sexual tension. You rather hoped that it was only the sexual tension between Strauss and Dave that everyone else would pick up on, hoping that the team would simply palm Aaron's foul mood off on Strauss' involvement in the case, but the truth was that it was evident that something else was wrong with him as well. At this point in time you were very much pleased that his stern work-glance was his go-to facial expression when you weren't alone.

'So Agent Y/L/N- Agent Hotchner here tells me that you have settled down very well in the team.' Strauss says through a raised brow as she lifts a dark cup of coffee to her lips, indicating Aaron as she speaks. You shuffle slightly nervously, not wanting to give anything away as you unconsciously pull your turtle neck just that little bit higher around your neck to make sure that the bruises he had left were covered.

'I'd like to think that's true, ma'am.' You reply with a tight-lipped grin, hoping she'll take the hint and cease in the attempt to make conversation.

'Well I'm glad about that.' She replies before turning to Dave who sat across from her and began to talk to him again. You never quite did understand the dynamic between those two, but whatever it was undeniably made them both happy.

You land after what feels like forever in the air, although more than likely it was a much shorter time period than that. You stand up to leave before catching Aaron's eye, and he gestures with just a twitch of his eyebrows for you to stay behind as the others leave. You don't think that he has spoken a single word throughout the entire flight, much less to you, but can understand his frustration better then anybody else can. Pulling out of you and trying to bring his erection down that morning can't have been easy, and trying to speak to JJ over the phone with a level tone whilst he was still inside you must have been a lot worse... never mind talking to Jessica over the phone about looking after Jack as he was swiping away his pre-cum and looking for the handcuffs' keys.

The plane clears out and leaves only you and Aaron, Prentiss being the last to leave as she gives you a look before turning her back and closing the plane door behind her. Turning to face Aaron, the first thing you notice is his clenched jaw and tight eyes staring at the swirly pattern on the carpet. Right at this moment he doesn't look so much cross or angry or sexually frustrated, but rather sad.

'Are you ok?' You speak softly as you move towards him cautiously, almost like one would do with a half-tamed lion. He takes a minute before looking up and meeting your eye line, his Adam's Apple bobbing slightly in his throat. As he looks at you his jaw immediately unclenches and he seems to soften a little bit. He doesn't say anything- he doesn't really need to- but instead chooses to take the two steps towards you and engulf you in his arms.

You stand there for as long as you dare, his one arm around your waist as the other softly caressing your hair; and your hands resting on his lower back as you bury your face into his chest. You take a deep breath and close your eyes, the only thing in the world you can feel being his touch and the only thing you can smell being his dark pine scent. Sighing deeply you find comfort in his familiar smell and smile gently against his chest. He seems to feel it as a second later he presses you further against him, resting his chin on the top of your head as you feel his chin dig into you slightly- a clear indicator that he must be smiling too. He takes a strong breathe, slow and deliberate as his chest moves next to you, before pulling away and holding you at arms length- not quite wanting to let go of you yet.

You smile up at him and place a loose strand of his hair back against the rest, caressing his face slowly as you stare into eachother's eyes. You speak softly, in almost a whisper, as the stray piece falls again and lays just covering his eye. 'Better?' He simply smiles and nods slightly in response, kissing you once on the forehead before finally pulling away and picking up both his and your luggage. As he walks away you dread the long day ahead of you, but at least you can find comfort in the fact that when Aaron looks at you his face changes, almost as if he...

'Y/N, are you coming?' Morgan says as he pops his head back through the plane door.

'Yeh, sorry.' You reply as you leave your Aaron-induced daydream, waking up to the world and seeing that he had left the plane quite a while ago.

'Boss-man wasn't too rough on you was he?' Morgan asks innocently, still thinking that the two of you were in some unstated fight.

'No. No he wasn't rough.' You reply before following him out of the plane.

Well, he hasn't been rough yet.

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