Strictly Prohibited

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A few hours later, far too few, you woke up to a text from Emily saying that she'd gone home to change for the work day

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A few hours later, far too few, you woke up to a text from Emily saying that she'd gone home to change for the work day. You did the same, taking a long shower before putting on your very favourite grey pencil skirt with a silky blouse. For some reason, if you drank a certain amount that was just shy of the puke-your-guts-up threshold, you always seemed to be more awake the next morning than usual so you turned up at the Office brighter than you would normally be at nine a.m.

Turning up looking like that, you were met with three glares of disdain hidden behind large, dark sunglasses. JJ, Penelope and Emily hadn't handled their hangovers quite as well. Americans really can't handle their drink. Well, maybe Aaron could... but why were you thinking about him?

'How do you look like that?' Garcia asked, a faint plea in her tone.

You simply shrugged. 'I've been drinking since I was fourteen. You get used to the hangovers.'

'I never have.' Morgan's voice came from behind as he joined the conversation, Reid at his heels.

'You know, statistically speaking it is more common for women to inhibit signs of alcohol withdrawal after a short amount of time, meaning that their hangovers tend to be worse.'

'Thanks for that Reid.' Emily sarcastically replied. She displayed no acknowledgement of the conversation that had occurred the night prior. Thank fuck.

'No problem.' He answered with a smile. He has no idea.

Separating from the group to sit at your desk, you scowled slightly at the large stack of papers that seemed to be mocking you. It was a paperwork day so it went fairly slowly, the team breaking off to do their own work before spending lunch together at a Starbucks down the road. Hotch had politely declined the invite, as had Rossi. Rossi had a lunch date with one of his ex-wives; Hotch had paperwork. He works himself to the bone.

At exactly five-thirty the office finally emptied- JJ the last to leave. You had taken some of Reid's work for him in exchange for a demonstration of physics magic, so were left completing a few tick-box exercises. Hotch was in his Office with his face glued to his page much alike it had been all day. Does he ever take a break?

You finished the last section of Reid's work and piled your stuff away, making to leave when you heard your name being called from Hotch's open Office door. 'Y/L/N, can I talk to you for a minute?'

You walked up to Hotch's Office, entering as he held the door for you. You were beginning to become used to his gentlemanly tendencies- they were nice. He always seemed to hold the door open or let you enter first- definitely a Private School habit. He closed the door behind you, turning to look you up and down as he did. 'You look really pretty today.'

You smiled at him, slightly surprised at the comment but it seemed that there was nothing professional about your relationship after-hours. 'Not too bad yourself, boss-man.' You replied with a grin, and you weren't lying: he had a sharp black suit on, slightly more fitted across his shoulders than most of his suits; and a white shirt with a red tie hung low over his belt. He always looked good, but there was something about his hair, spiky and out of place from where he had run his fingers though it over the course of the day, that made him look that much more attractive than usual. And considering you had seen him in an FBI vest a few days prior, that was hard.

The corner of his lips lifted ever so slightly in reply, more of a smile than you had seen from him whilst he was at work. 'Look, I was just wondering if you fancied a meal some time?'

'Are you asking me on a date, Aaron Hotchner?' You spoke with a fake-shocked gasp.

'Trying- it isn't going very well.' He shied away slightly as he lifted his shoulders up.

You stepped towards him, disagreeing with his statement but choosing to tease him a bit. 'But I thought that fraternisation between Bureau employees was strictly prohibited.'

He took a second to think before speaking. 'I take it back then.' He replied, a smirk just forming over his features. He understood your banter well.

Your face turned suddenly downwards as you moved towards him, your faces inches away from eachother. Hotch became acutely aware that the blinds were open.

'No, you've said it now- you don't get to take it back.' You spoke authoritatively despite your height difference.

Hotch laughed at your pleading, smiling down at you. 'Ok, you've convinced me. Friday?'

You nodded at him in response, smiling as you did so. 'See you then, Mr Hotchner.'

'It's Agent to you.' He raised his eyebrows as he spoke, his lips straight.

You laughed at him before leaving the room, turning to look at him one last time as you did so. 'If somebody decides to murder someone on Thursday night, I'm going to be soooo annoyed.' Hotch laughed his agreement as you left the room, leaving his door open behind you.

You then collected your things and headed home for the night, dreams of Big Bad Aaron Hotchner awaiting you in your sleep.

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