Cheer up Genius

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Friday came and went as a series of Sadistic murders surfaced in Florida

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Friday came and went as a series of Sadistic murders surfaced in Florida. You were the one who made the connection to discover the Unsub was a cannibal, and the sick bastard had even cooked the remains of his latest victim and fed them to volunteers at the search and rescue. It was, for lack of a better phrase, fucked up.

This particular case had hit Reid hard and so when the team flew home on Saturday night he didn't look so good. Reid was like the baby of the group and you were quickly becoming a big-sister type to him so you, Morgan and JJ took it on yourselves to try and improve the boy-genius' mood. What started out as a friendly game of cards to cheer him up ended up as a communal shouting game with minor bets being placed that Rossi had threatened to up the stakes on. True to form as the dad of the group, Hotch had quietened you down before beating you all at a hand whilst fun-uncle Rossi grinned on, Emily asleep in the corner and occasionally muttering for you to be quiet as she had a Pheoline-friend she needed to get home to.

It wasn't long before Reid's mood was considerably more chipper and the plane was landing in D.C. where Morgan met Garcia for a night out. JJ needed to go home to Henry, Emily Sergio, and Rossi had a show he was happy not to have missed. That left Hotch to drop off Reid and you at home as you had ended up catching a lift from Hotch after breakfast the other morning, leaving your car in the park which was close to your house.

You hadn't really spoken to Hotch much since your breakfast together- nothing bad, but it just seemed that the case had gotten in the way. Hotch had smiled once in the afternoon after your first non-date-date which lead the team to come up with an abundance of theories, Garcia's being that he was high and Morgan's that he was obviously getting laid, but overall it was forgotten. You were yet to discuss your missed Friday date.

'Thanks for the lift, Hotch. See you on Monday, Y/N.' Reid said as he got out of the passenger seat of the car, leaving the door open so that you could jump in the front.

You smiled at Hotch before getting into the front seat, waving a happy goodbye to Reid before closing the car door, glad in the knowledge that he was feeling better.

'Hey.' Hotch said a soft hello as you turned back to look at him.

'Hey.' You replied with a smile.

'So, your place or mine?' He asked you with a sly smile and dead-pan tone in his voice. It was the kind of smile that you liked to think he only reserved for you- the kind that could bring about world peace if he directed it the right way.

'Oh ha. Ha. You've got to get back to Jack.' He grinned at you and started the car, chuckling slightly as he turned the key to start the engine.

'I'm sorry we weren't here yesterday.' He said some time later as you drove in comfortable silence.

'Hey, it's not your fault.' You replied as you reached out for his hand on the centre console, lacing your fingers together.

'Do you fancy coming round to mine tomorrow? Jack's got a play date with his girlfriend.'


'Yep. They've been going out for a whole two weeks and they have even held hands.' Hotch replied, smiling as he always did whenever he spoke about Jack. If there was one thing that was certain to make Aaron Hotcher smile, it was his son.

'Wow, I hope they used protection.' Hotch grinned at you cheekily. 'Seriously though, two weeks, in kiddie years that's what, a thirty-five year marriage?'

'Thirty tops.' He replied, smiling at you as he moved his eyes between you and the road, squeezing your hand slightly. 'Seriously, do you want to come over?'

'I'd love to.' You replied with a grin as Hotch let the corners of his mouth lift in a close-mouthed smile.

A few minutes later you bid him a kind goodbye after you had finalised the details. He was going to pick you up at one o'clock the next day for a late lunch which he was cooking. He definitely knows how to wooh.

A few hours later you fell asleep with a smile on your face... that was until at precisely 3:26 am, the phone rang.

'Hey- I'm sorry but we're gonna need you to come in.' JJ said.

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