Not enough room at the Inn

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True to Hotch's word, they were in the air thirty minutes later on their way to California

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True to Hotch's word, they were in the air thirty minutes later on their way to California. They took some time to discuss the case further, deciding on an action plan once they landed. Reid and Hotch were to go to the police station, Jereau and Prentiss (who had later introduced themselves as JJ and Emily) were to interview the victim's families and you, Morgan and Rossi were going to head to the lake which had quickly become the unsub's dump site.

They then disbanded from their discussion, spreading out across the jet. Hotch sat separately from the group getting on with some paperwork, glancing at you occasionally as he did so, a tension between you subtly hanging in the air. I thought we weren't going to make it awkward.

'So where are you from?' Emily inquired.

'England- Manchester.'

'As in United?' Morgan asked. You chuckled, thinking back to when Aaron had said the exact same thing. 'You know that's exactly what...' you stopped yourself, Hotch glancing in your direction with a warning look in his eyes. He looks hot when he does that. 'Everybody says.' You finished, deciding not to mention Hotch.

'Well, statistically speaking Manchester United is the most highly supported soccer team in the world. Across a range of thirty-seven countries it has been shown that...'

'Kid.' Morgan shut Reid up with an eyebrow raise, and he shuffled back into his seat a little bit. Truth be told, you were quite interested in what he was about to say, but you didn't push it.

'They're rubbish, though. I'm a Spurs fan all the way. And it's football by the way, not soccer.' You put on an American accent for the last word and rolling the 'r', earning a laugh from the group.

'I happen to agree.' Rossi piped up, earning a few confused looks. 'What? I'm Italian.' He shrugged.

The team went on to quiz you about your previous work, you stating that you started off in the British Military after you graduated from University with a phd in Criminology. You spent eight years there, six as a part of an elite task force, before moving on. You had made friends high-up in the American Army during your time working closely with their allies, and had later been directly headhunted to the BAU by a close friend, the agency making an exception and allowing a foreign citizen to join the FBI. After all, they wanted to keep the UK-USA special relationship special.

The team listened on intently, Morgan telling you that your accent was sexy, and Emily expressing an interest in the work you did whilst in the Army. 'Confidential I'm afraid.' Won a light chuckle from Rossi. Hotch never spoke a word, focusing on some paperwork for the rest of the journey, but judging by his slow writing speed he was listening to the conversation rather than focusing on his work, but just didn't want to admit it. Morgan was right; your accent is sexy.

Overall the journey took about five hours, and once they landed the team got on with their afore-mentioned jobs. They didn't make a significant amount of progress, however, and their profile wouldn't be ready until at least the next day. Hotch told the group they needed to get some rest and they all made their way to the hotel. Hotch made his way to the front desk and came back with some keys.

Shit. There was only four rooms.

'Come on, kid.' Morgan grabbed one of the keys from Hotch's hand as he and Reid trailed off towards the stairs. Emily and JJ followed close behind them with the second key.

'I'm old- I don't share.' Rossi said with a wink at Hotch as he walked off with the third. Hotch just blinked and sighed deeply before turning to look at you, something unreadable playing in his eyes. Definitely awkward.

Hotch indicated for you to follow him and you silently made your way up two flights of stairs, Hotch taking your go-bag from your hand a flight up when he saw you were struggling slightly. He still didn't say anything.

You reached the door and he placed the bags down on the floor before taking the key from his pocket and holding the door for you to go in. He followed behind you, closing the door and throwing your bags on the bed. The bed. Just one.

'I'm going to have a shower.' Aaron said, disappearing into the bathroom and leaving you to unpack your things and put on an oversized t-shirt and some sleep shorts. You took out the case-file and sat in the bed flicking through it, noting down a few observations as you went.

A few minutes after you were settled Hotch left the bathroom, a towel slung loosely around his hips as his hair dripped water onto his strong chest, leaving shiny lines in its wake. A few long scars lined his abdomen that you hadn't noticed the previous night, but all they served to do was highlight his soft abs.

Fuck. You hadn't expected him to come out in such a state of undress. Professional my arse.

He grabbed a t-shirt and grey joggers from his bag, disappearing off back into the bathroom and re-emerging dressed for bed. He avoided your eye-line the entire time, however he couldn't help feeling slightly smug as he saw you watching him.

Moving towards the bed, he picked up a pillow and began to move one of the sheets before you stopped him. 'What're you doing?'

'Sleeping on the floor.' He replied as he looked up at you, his tone flat as if it were obvious. You looked at him for a second before replying, shaking your head slightly as you spoke.

'Don't be ridiculous Aaron- you'll do your back in.'

He moved his gaze to you for the first time that night, meeting your eye. 'Are you sure?' He spoke with the same softness he had that morning- not the Unit-Chief harshness he held the rest of the day. He searched your eyes for a second before you replied, resisting the urge to bite your lip as you did so.

'I'm sure.'

You moved the case-file to the bedside table as he placed the pillow back on the bed and climbed in, each party lying as far from the other as the king-sized bed allowed. 'Any thoughts?' Hotch asked politely as he watched you put the file down.

'Nothing interesting.' He nodded, and with that he turned off the lights and settled in to bed, his back facing you as you did the same. You quickly settled off to sleep, as far away from eachother as you could be.

Unfortunately, as you drifted off, you didn't stay that way for long.

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