Had Sex Once and Slept Together Twice

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Aaron's POV

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Aaron's POV

I woke up with Y/N's head laying on my chest and my arm wrapped around her, getting a strange sense of dejavu from the morning before. Last night was the first in a long time that I hadn't had a nightmare, definitely the first since Haley died, and I hate to admit it but Y/N was probably the reason why.

Shrugging off the thought, I turned my head slightly to check the clock on the side of the bed- it was five thirty. I woke up at that time every day, it was programmed into me now, so wasn't surprised. I was, however, not at all inclined to get up and chose instead to lie there with Y/N, listening to her soft and slightly irregular breaths as she slept.

I lied there for quite a while before her breaths started to become heavier as she awoke. I shifted slightly as I felt Y/N stir on top of me, pulling her tighter before muttering softly in her ear. 'Morning.'

Third Person POV

'Morning.' A soft voice spoke as you felt the words vibrating through a man's chest below you.

'Morning.' you lazily replied, sighing slightly as you cuddled further into the man who in turn held you that little bit tighter. 'What time is it?'

'Just after six.' He replied as you nodded against him, content that you didn't need to move quite just yet. He was warm and comforting as you laid across his chest, his arm wrapped around you with his hand resting on your waist, the other holding your bare hip where the fabric from your t-shirt had ridden up in the night. You sighed contentedly before the realisation hit.


'Hotch?' You questioned with a high voice, only slightly raising your head as you did so, but still resting your chin on his collarbone.

'Yes?' He replied, amusement echoing through his tone.

'Have I been lying on you all night?' You mumbled slightly incoherently as you were still waking up properly.

'It would appear that way.' He replied as you just looked at him for a second before finally moved away from him as he removed his arm, chuckling slightly at your look of vague annoyance.

'In my defence, you are a very comfy pillow.' You joked as you lied next to him.

'As an old lawyer, I can tell you,' he said as he shifted onto his side so he could look at you. 'That that defence would definitely not stand up in court.'

You faked a gasp, the corners of your lips tugging upwards. 'Aaron Hotchner, did you just make a joke?'

The ghost of a smile crossed his lips as he shifted so he could look at you properly. 'It has been known to occur from time to time.'

'From what the team told me, it really hasn't.' You were still lying very close, your knees barely brushing as you looked at eachother. Though neither of you wanted to admit it, both of you craved the contact and were slightly disgruntled that you weren't cuddling anymore.

'And what, exactly, have the team told you?' He spoke through slightly furrowed eyebrows, putting on his best Unit-Chief voice as only the slight tug at the edges of his lips gave away his joking nature.

You smiled at him and, just for a brief second, he smiled back. 'I'll never tell.' And with that you stood up from the bed and made your way towards the bathroom, stopping just as you were about to open the door. 'You look handsome when you smile.' Closing the door behind you, you looked at your image in the mirror as your thoughts never left the man in the next room.

God he was confusing. Yesterday he's a stone-cold bastard. Today he's finding it funny that I'm lying in his arms. You're fucking confusing, Aaron Hotchner.

Twenty minutes later you vacated the bathroom wearing just a towel as Hotch had done the night before. He was even less subtle in checking you out than you had been- his eyes roaming up and down your body shamelessly- but you ignored his glances just as he had yours. Payback's a bitch, Hotchner.

You turned towards him and raised your eyebrows, indicating for him to turn around as you dropped the towel and got dressed. The mere knowledge that you were stood behind him, naked, was almost too much for the man as he struggled to contain his excitement. A moment later you indicated it was ok for him to look, and he got out of the bed and got dressed, not bothering to ask you to turn around as he took his pyjamas off. And, obligingly, you checked him out as he lifted his pyjama top over his head and shed his joggers.

'Professional, Agent Y/L/N.' He said with his back to you and just some grey suit trousers on.

'Oh bugger off.' You replied as you opened the door and headed down to breakfast, the faint sound of his chuckles following you as you made your way back down the steps and towards the dining room.

A few minutes later, he joined you and the rest of the team wearing considerably more clothes. He sat next to you, and you felt him move his foot slowly up your lower leg under the table, stopping instantly as he felt something hard pressed against your skin through your trouser leg.

'You're not the only one who wears two guns, sir.' You whispered into his ear after making a quick survey of the team and checking they were all engrossed in their own conversations. Hotch looked at you, raising his eyebrows slightly to indicate that he was impressed. He had abandoned the idea of being professional the moment he smelt your shampoo this morning as you lay across his chest.

'So, Hot-ch stuff, what's the plan today then?' Morgan caught his boss' attention.

'I think we should all head out to the crime scene, get a feel from there.' Hotch spoke as he quickly snapped his foot away from you and the team nodded and rose from their seats. 'Oh, and call me that again and you're fired.'

'Noted.' Morgan replied, Emily and JJ letting out a slight giggle.

Rossi simply turned to Hotch, holding onto his shoulder. 'That might stick, Hotchner.' As the team trailed off, you with them, he leaned in close to Hotch and lowered his voice, indicating to you as you faded from view. 'I know somebody thinks so.'

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