Step into my Office, Baby

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Two hours later, you found yourself at the FBI Headquarters in Quantico, nervous for the first time since you could remember

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Two hours later, you found yourself at the FBI Headquarters in Quantico, nervous for the first time since you could remember. You had worked for the British Government for a long time now, but this was America. Do things work the same here?

You brushed the thought aside, completely convinced you were worrying over nothing. A new job, a new city, a new country. All in a day's work. Besides, you had always managed to fit in well: England, America- what difference did it make? After all they spoke the same language... sort of.

'Agent Y/L/N, here to see Agent Hotchner.' You spoke to the woman at the front desk of the Quantico FBI base who quickly rushed you off with a floor number and fake smile.

Rising though the floors in the small elevator alone, you took in your reflection. You were still tired from the- uhh, umm- eventful night previously, however you always seemed to function best on a minimal amount of sleep. Despite your fatigue, you looked good. You wore a white long-sleeve button-up shirt that hugged your figure tucked into a pair of light grey flared trousers that were just the right amount of flattering to be suitable for work. You had a pair of black stilettos on that clicked as you walked. Your hair was in loose waves, a rouge tinting your lips. Yeh, you looked good.

The elevator doors opened and you were met with an office much alike any other. Making your way to the nearest person, you collared a tall young man, maybe twenty-five, with shaggy hair that fell perfectly around his face, framing it, and a gun slung loosely to the side of his hip. He didn't look like the type to be comfortable using it, though.

'Excuse me?' The man turned towards you, smiling. 'Would you be able to tell me where Agent Hotchner's Office is?'

'You must be Agent Y/L/N.' A voice called from behind you as a man, built like a chocolate brick-shit house with an extremely pretty face, came into view. 'I'm Agent Morgan, this is Reid.' The man spoke, extending his hands towards you. You took it as the shaggy-haired man, Reid, spoke up. 'It's Doctor Reid.' He said as he smiled at you, not offering his hand. Must be a germaphobe.

'I take it you're members of the BAU?'

'Wow, you must be a profiler.' Morgan replied sarcastically before gesturing for you to follow him as he lead you to a door at the side of the room. 'This is the Boss-man's Office. Don't worry, he'll lighten up eventually.'

You smiled slightly at the comment, unsure what to make of it. You tapped at the the door lightly as Morgan bid you a kind farewell, something to do with Mama, before opening the door as your new Boss replied.

Opening the door, you laid eyes on a man who was clearly engrossed in paperwork, eyes glued to his page and unflickering as you entered. A label on the door said A. Hotchner.





Hotch's head snapped up from his paperwork, taking you in. He just looked at you, shocked.

'You're Agent Hotchner?'

'You're Agent Y/L/N?' He finally spoke, meeting your eyes as you both unanimously realised your faux par. 'Close the door please.'

You did as you were told and went to sit in the chair across from him as he indicated for you to do so. For a long moment, you just looked at eachother. Should have seen this one coming really.

You cleared your throat, sick of the silence that was deafening. 'So, umm... I suppose you're my boss then.'

'Umm-hmmm.' He didn't speak, only nodding. He wore a serious expression, and with that look and that suit you couldn't believe that you'd missed the fact that he was an Agent. You're supposed to be a profiler for God's sake.

You shifted your line of sight to the bookcase behind him, ladened with awards and a photo of Aaron and a young boy, and back to him. His gaze never shifted from your eyes- it was slightly disconcerting really.

You looked at him for a second before suddenly, and much to his surprise, you burst out laughing. He simply looked dumbstruck. 'Agent Y/L/N, I don't understand what you're finding funny here.'

'Look,' you spoke kindly. 'We can either make this incredibly awkward and tip-toe around each other forever, or we can just accept that things happen and move on. We've shagged- so what? I'm perfectly capable of maintaining a professional demeanour as long as you are.'

Hotch nodded. If there was one thing he could do, it was that. 'Ok then, Agent Hotchner, I look forward to working with you.'

You extended your hand and he met it, just as he had the night before. Holding on for a fraction too long, neither party cared to admit the shock of electricity you felt when you touched. Professional; strictly professional.

'I look forward to working with you too, Agent Y/L/N.'

Just as you met Aaron's eyes once again, there was a sharp knock at the door before a petite blonde lady with a case file in hand opened it. 'Hotch, we've got a case.'

'We'll be out in a minute.' He replied before she left, closing the door behind her. Hotch took a moment to collect himself before letting a strictly professional demeanour overtake him. 'Well then, Agent Y/L/N, it looks like we've got no time for formalities. If you'll follow me then I'll introduce you to the team.'

He stood and held the door for you as you left his office, goosebumps arising on your skin as you brushed past him which you promptly ignored. You waited a second before trailing behind him and following him into a full meeting room just off from the walkway. As you entered, you were met with two familiar faces.

'Hey, mama.' Morgan said as you entered the meeting room, Hotch moving to stand slightly behind you. Hotch simply looked at him, and he retreated ever so slightly. God Aaron is grumpy.

A second later, a blonde girl in a flowery dress with an infectious smile hurried over to you, holding out her hand and introducing herself as Penelope Garcia before changing her mind and going straight for a hug. You laughed slightly at her abruptness, introducing yourself back into Garcia's shoulder. You liked this girl already. 'Ok Babygirl, let the poor woman breathe.'

Garcia let you go and wandered back off towards a projector, picking an iPad up from the table as she did so.

'Thankyou for that Garcia.' Hotch spoke sarcastically. 'Agent Y/L/N, these are Agents Prentiss, Morgan- who I assume you've already met- SSA Rossi, Dr Reid and our press liaison Jennifer Jareau. Miss Garcia here is our technical Analyst.' Hotch introduced you to the team, indicating each person as he did so. You shook hands with each member individually, all apart from Reid, and Morgan tapped your arm with his other hand affectionately as he did so. You said a polite hello to each person, mentioning how pleased you were to be meeting the David Rossi- a complement he seemed to bat off politely as if he were extremely used to it.

'Ok, now let's get on with the case.' Is Hotch always this grumpy? Morgan's earlier comment of him lightening up eventually sprung to mind.

And with that, the team took their seats at the table and Garcia began to present the case. Three young men had been found drowned near Ridge Canyon Lake in California. They talked about the details of the case before parting ways to collect their go-bags.

'Wheels up in thirty.'

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