The Guy in the Bar

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When you woke up your head was banging

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When you woke up your head was banging.
Bloody Malibu.

You shifted slightly, unsure of your surroundings. Unsure of the man who's chest you seemed to be sprawled across. Shit- not again. A strange man's apartment- AGAIN?!

'Morning.' The man spoke, his voice deep and husky with the morning dew.

'Hey.' You replied, lifting your head from his chest so that you could look up at him, your eye meeting immediately as a subtle smile tugged at his lips.

He was slightly older then you tended to go for- maybe just turned forty. He had deep frown lines etched into his forehead, but a kindness in his dark eyes that opposed it. His dark hair was fluffy and sticking up slightly at the edges- probably your doing. He had a strong jawline and etched cheekbones, his pale skin lit up gold in the early morning sunlight that shone through from under the blinds. At least you had picked a good-looking one this time.

Last night

'Malibu and coke please, Rob.' You spoke kindly to your favourite bartender- a college student studying Biomedical Sciences who had a soft spot for you and always let you use his discount.

'Anything for you, babes.' He replied as he smiled at you. For a long time you thought he had a crush on you, but that changed when you met his boyfriend randomly one day when you came to the bar slightly earlier then usual. You had only been living in DC for a couple of months, but had visited this bar at least three times a week since you moved in to your studio apartment just down the street.

The bartender moved away, making you the drink you asked for... and the double-shot of Bacardi that was implicitly implied. 'Cheers.' You spoke kindly, raising the double shot glass in salute and then to your lips as you drained the clear liquid. Rob smiled at you before moving away to serve another regular across from you at the bar.

'You didn't even flinch.' A low voice sounded from somewhere further down the bar. Turning, you saw the man in question. He was sat three seats down- a well put together man with a smart suit and strong shoulders. His dark hair fell into his eyes slightly, chocolate brown, as he raised his scotch to his lips. A slight smirk echoed throughout his features, but there was a small sadness behind his eyes that he couldn't quite hide.

God he was handsome.

'I'm English- comes with the territory.' You replied, smiling slightly as you not-so-subtly looked him up and down as he did the same.

'Oh really?' The man spoke, rising from his seat to move closer to you, dragging his drink across the bar with him as he stood by the seat next to you.

'I like to think it's genetic.'

'Could be.' He replied, eyebrows raised in a slight question. Answering him silently, you gestured for him to sit down. Obligingly he sat, edging the seat slightly closer to you as he did. Smooth. His thigh gently rubbed against yours in an almost-innocent way as he twisted slightly to look at you.

'Whereabouts in England are you from?'

'Manchester. Hence the common accent.' You laughed having always been slightly annoyed at your h-dropping tendencies.

'As in United?' The man replied, taking a sip of his drink.

Laughing, you followed his large hand that placed his drink down on the bar with your eyes before answering him. 'God, you're American.'

'Well I can't deny that.' He chuckled slightly, raising his hand from his glass to hold it out to you. 'I'm Aaron.' He spoke with a slight smirk, his voice slightly lower then it had been before.

Taking his hand and squeezing lightly, you smiled. 'Y/N.'

'So Y/N, what brings you to D.C.?' He asked nonchalantly as he raised his glass to his lips.

'I'm starting a new job tomorrow.'

'First day nerves?' He asked as he gestured to the glass on the table and indicated for the bartender to get both him and yourself a fresh drink with a subtle wave of his hand.

Shrugging your shoulders slightly, you grinned. 'I don't get nervous.'

'Oh do you not?' He replied, smirking slightly as his brows lowered in mock question.

'I don't see the point. Either it goes well, or it doesn't. Either way, there's nothing I can do to change that.'

'You sound like a lawyer.' He spoke with a chuckle as the bartender put your new drinks in front of you, glancing at you slightly as you nodded to say you were comfortable talking to Aaron. Rob always looked out for you- that was one of the reasons you always came here.

'You look like a lawyer.' You replied, running your eyes up and down his perfectly tailored suit and grey Chanel tie.

'I used to be.' He shrugged, smiling slightly with a hint of approval in his eyes at your ability to read him. It was your new job, you supposed, so you should be pretty good at it.

'And now?' You asked politely as you quickly ran your eyes over his left hand to check for the absence of a wedding ring. Either he wasn't married, or had gone out specifically without it in the hope of cheating on his wife. Neither really made you a home wrecker, so he certainly wasn't forbidden fruit.

'Now... I do something else.' He paused, looking down at his drink like he'd had a very hard day. Or very hard couple of days, probably. 'Something that makes me want to drink.' He added as an afterthought, almost speaking to himself.

'So you came here to de-stress, then?' You asked with a flirtatious tone.

'You could say that.' He replied as he leant forwards in his seat, bringing his lips to the same height as yours. You took a sharp intake of breath as you smelt his expensive cologne.

'Well perhaps I could help you with that.' You spoke smoothly as you leant towards him even more- definitely giving him a good look down your top as his eyes flicked downwards for a second.

'That sounds good to me.'

The Next Morning

'How did you sleep?' The man asked, running one hand through your hair as the other draped across your waist.

'I don't seem to remember much sleeping.' You replied, a wicked grin threatening to cross over your features.

'Hmm...' He nodded in fake consideration. 'Now that bit wasn't half bad.' A smirk crossed his features as you giggled at him, your voice still slightly hourse as you never had been a morning person.

'I'm really sorry, but I don't remember your name.' You spoke rather shyly, your chin still placed on the man's shoulder.

'Oh thank god.' He grinned. 'Yours definitely begins with an Y/F/N/L though.'

'Y/N.' You laughed, shifting off him so you lay sideways next to him in the bed and holding out your hand. 'Aaron.' He replied, a short-lived smile gracing his lips.

'Well it's been nice to meet you Aaron, but I'm starting a new job today so I better get going.'

'You mentioned last night.' He fiddled with a lock of your hair, wrapping it around his index finger as he looked at you with hooded eyes. 'Good luck with your new job, Y/N.'

'Thankyou, Aaron.'

And with that you stood from the bed, sauntering away from him to collect your clothes from the floor as he watched on, intimately enjoying the view. Turning to give him one last cheeky grin before you got dressed, you left his apartment not long after and went home. Today was, after all, a big day. You had always wanted to work for the BAU.

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