You can't kid a kidder

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The case ended the same way it always did: they found the unsub with a hostage and had to talk him down

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The case ended the same way it always did: they found the unsub with a hostage and had to talk him down. It was becoming a regular occurrence, but this was your first case and it brought back some bad memories from your time fighting Overseas.

'Hey Mama, are you alright?' Morgan asked kindly as you sat on the jet, staring out of the window. Him and youself were quickly becoming close as you shared a similar taste in sarcastic banter.

'Just tired.' You absentmindedly replied as you turned to look at the seat across from you where Reid looked at you hopefully as he held out a Chess-set.

The plane took off just as you check-mated the young genius, much to everybody's surprise, nobody more so than the boy himself. You played a few more times, you reading and beating him in all but the last game where you decided to let him have this one. Claiming defeat which was really just tiredness, you moved to the couch and fell asleep with your feet on JJ's lap. Reid and Emily followed suit soon after, drifting off as Rossi wrote down notes in his colour-coded notepad that he would later use for a book. Hotch was, predictably, doing paperwork whilst Morgan slept with his loud earphones blasting, the only noise in the plane.

They landed a few hours later and Hotch did his usual fatherly duty of waking his team before they landed. Usually he would just tap them on the shoulder to try and draw their attention, but he woke you with a gentle brush of your arm and a distinctly softer voice than he normally used. He had seen that the case had bothered you, and didn't want to scare you with an abrupt awakening. This tenderness, however, didn't go unnoticed by Prentiss.

A few days later

'So how long have you been screwing the boss?' Emily stated blankly, clearly inebriated as she slurred her words towards the end of the sentence. Her, JJ and Garcia had dragged you to a girls' night a few days after the case had ended, for some reason on a Tuesday night. At this point you and Emily were the last ones standing, Will having picked JJ up earlier and Kevin Penelope. It was just the singles that were left now, you had joked.

'What?' You answered, your speech significantly less slurred then Emily's but your breath was still strong with the smell of wine.

'Hotch. Come on, I saw the way he was with you on the plane.' Emily nudged your shoulder slightly as she became serious for a second before raising her eyebrows a few times suggestively. 'Is he good?'

You gulped sharply before replying, thinking about just how good he was. 'I haven't got the faintest idea what you're talking about.' You had never been a particularly good liar- at least not to people you considered to be friends... and certainly not to a profiler which became evident as Emily chuckled at you.

'Well you're either sleeping with him or thinking about it, so take you're pick.' Emily had always been straight-laced about this sort of thing, despite her amusement over the image of her whiter-than-white boss getting mixed up with a subordinate.

'Ugh, fine. Ok, so I met him before I started the job. We met in a bar a couple of blocks away from the Office. It was just a one-night-stand but...'

Emily let out an audible gasp, pausing your thought process which was currently lazy at best. 'I'm sorry, but did you say Hotch, as in Aaron Hotchner, in a bar?' You nodded in response. 'Aaron Hotchner, the most stuck-up and boring person I've ever met, having a one-night-stand?'

'Oh come on he's not that bad...' you started, only to be cut off when Emily gasped and raised her drink suddenly, causing part of it to spill.

'Oh my god, you like him!' She spoke ecstatically as your eyes widened in response.

'I do not.'

Terrible liar.


'Ooh, Y/L/N and Hotch, sitting in a tree.' She started as you began to laugh, hoping that her level of intoxication would mean she would forget this conversation rather swiftly.

'Will you stop? We were both very drunk, okay?' You managed as you took the nearly empty drink from her hand and placed it on the table opposite from you, deciding it was time to cut her off.

'Aaron Hotchner- drunk?' She replied with over-the-top hand gestures.


'I'm only kidding.' Emily laughed. 'Mostly.' You just glared at her playfully before she leant in close to you and lowered her voice. 'So, on a serious note... is it big?'

'Oh my god stop or I am leaving right now.' You replied hastily. You have no idea, you thought to yourself.

'Okay, okay I'm stopping.' She smiled, a look of thought suddenly crossing her features as she slipped into profiler mode. 'Didn't you share a room on the case in California?' You just looked sheepish. 'Oh my god! You didn't...?'

'No, no we didn't.' Emily looked unconvinced. 'We didn't, I promise. When I met him again that morning at work and realised he was my boss we agreed to maintain a strictly professional relationship.'

'Wait, that morning... did you sleep with him the night before you started and turn up to him as you're boss the next morning?' Emily counted on her fingers for no particular reason as she put the pieces together in her head.

'Yep.' You rolled her eyes, popping the 'p'.

'Well I can drink to that.' Emily said, raising her fresh glass of red wine that seemingly appeared out of nowhere to yours and you both took a gulp, draining their glasses as you decided that maybe Emily wasn't the type that you could just cut off.

'Well, it's nearly one and we've got work tomorrow. Should probably get going.' You said, slightly worried about just how drunk Emily was, although hoping she was drunk enough to forget this conversation. Agreeing with a nod, you left the bar together and took a taxi to your place where Emily crashed in the spare room.

Just before going to bed, you made her promise not to say anything- everyone knew Emily was good at keeping secrets. You just hoped she wouldn't slip up accidentally.

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