Act I Opener - This Stuff Happens Later, I Promise

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"Galaxy," I sputter. "You don't need to help me, I'm—" I spit up blood, immediately proving my point wrong. "I'm fine..."

"Look. I can heal you a little bit right here, but we can't get medical help until we save the world. You hear me?" She looks genuinely worried, despite her attitude. Reminds me of Alia.

"I don't want to be saved, this is my chance to die...." I say in the most reasonable way I can, holding back my coughing and tears.

"Ah. You want to be a hero? Fine by me."

"Hey, stop. Can we— Can we just go inside that cave for shelter? I don't think you're hearing me—" My knees give out. I collapse.

Galaxy hesitates, but picks me up and runs with me to the cave over her shoulder. The wind gets worse. I hide my eyes.

She throws herself and I into the cave. She rummages in her bag and lights a match.

"Hold this," she says, handing me the bright, flaring, burning match. I take it. She elevates me against the cave wall to heal me properly. She never listens.

"I said I don't want to be healed," I say, coughing to the point of crying. This has to be the worst way to die.

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