Chapter 18

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AN: Oh my god, thank you guys! I woke up to over 30 notifications. I want to thank TrevarHD for all of the support. You just made my day and I couldn't thank you enough. Go check out their page! I'm sure it won't disappoint! Well on with the story, shall we?
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Well, today's the day.

The day we all become warriors.

This morning Alex got information that we go to war today.

I'm worried that I won't be able to control my ability. I haven't been able to make it happen on command. It just happens when I sense danger.

"Hey, what's on your mind?" I hear Rose say next to me, with her bulky armor on, as we continue marching to our deaths.

"Nothing." I say shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts.

I can tell she knows I'm lying, but she just drops it.

"Ok, listen up everyone!" Alex yells from up front. "We are reaching the clearing up ahead. That is were we will be meeting up with squadrent B. We will come together and fight this as equals. Just because you are in this squadrent, doesn't mean you are more of a person then the others!"

We continue forward after he's done talking. Behind me I hear Amy with her stupid comments.

"Then why are we in a different, higher skill level squadrent? I swear these people have no idea what they are doing." Amy says to her low life friends.

Rose puts a hand on my shoulder, knowing that Amy's comments are getting to me.

"Honestly, I bet the High Commander only here because of his daddy." I heard Amy snarl. Those 12 words was all it took for me to snap.

"Oh yeah? If your so talented how did I kick your ass?" I yell at her, pointing my finger in her direction.

"That was only luck! The only reason you're here is because your banging the High Commander!" She says in her sassy voice.

With that sentence, I right hooked her in the jaw. I watch as she falls face down into the mud. Everyone but her prissy friends are laughing.

Alex notices the commotion and walks over. He looks at me and grabs my arm before I can turn and leave.

"What's going on?" He says with concern.

I pull my arm out of his grasp and continue walking. Amy's friends help her up and we all continue walking towards the clearing. No one even tries to talk to me. Afraid that I might give them a right hook as well.

Once we get to the clearing, we see the other squadrent. I take notice that they don't have very good armor. Some don't even have any armor at all.

While I look at them, my eyes fall on Asher. He's looking at me as well. The sadness in his eyes almost makes me feel bad.


Alex walks up to Asher and they have a conversation. For a moment Asher looks scared of Alex, almost as if Alex would kill him then and there.

They turn towards us all after they are done with there conversation. They explain the battle plans. Rose and the archers will go with the suprise attack at the top of the hill. Timothy and Naomi will go with the second suprise attack at the bottom of the hill behind the trees. Lastly, me and Joshua will go with the others to the front and battle head on, with Alex leading us and Asher as second in command in case something happens to Alex.

We all get in our positions. The sky growing darker by the minute. We sit and wait for when they show.

After what feels like forever I speak up, "Something's not right..."

Alex and Asher look at me, one on each side of me.

"Why would you think that?" Alex asks.

I don't answer. I look back up at the sky. No way could it get this dark naturally. Almost like that one day with Rose when there was that avalanche. Almost like it's being controlled...

"It's an ambush..." I whisper, realizing.

Getting up quickly, I start forward. Alex tries to grab my hand but I pull away fast enough. I start to run towards Rose's group, to warn them of the upcoming attacks.

All this sudden lightning strikes to the right of me. I cover my head after the strike. I hear yelling coming from the woods.

My feet move quicker as I become determined. Alex and Asher still yelling my name as I continue across the field.

Once I get to Rose's group I see that they are being attacked. Drawing my sword, I attack a solider in infront of me. My arms swing as I cut through any enemy that I see.

After I help everyone in Rose's group, I turn back to see battle breaking out everywhere.

Somehow they knew our plans.

I jump into battle. Every person that tries to attack, fails badly. Killing almost as easy as tying my shoes.

I catch site of Alex. Every person that is in a 5 foot radius of his is dead within seconds. His blade swinging in the air with ease.

Lightning strikes yet again next to me. This time it was so close it, the force flung me backwards. I land on my back, my ears ringing.

A man stands at the top of the hill staring at me.


I know him...

Arms wrap around me hoisting me up. "Come on, Bella!" Asher yells.

He half drags me forwards, until I push his hands off of me and we continue forward.

"TO THE BAY!" Alex yells over the chaos.

Everyone who is still alive follows Alex's orders. I kill a few soliders in the process.

Once we get there. I watch as Alex walks to the water. He holds out his hands and water begins to bend to his will. The water goes around us all, creating a circle, almost like a barrier of water. With a flick of his hand, the water turns to ice. He drops his hands. Everyone watches in amaze.

After my adrenaline runs out I feel a sting on my face. I touch my cheek and a little blood comes off onto my hand.

"What the hell was that? Were you trying to get yourself killed?" Asher says from beside me.

I jump slightly, forgetting that he was there. "I don't control the lighting! That wasn't my fault!"

"You just sat there staring at that man! How is that not your fault?"

"You know what? You don't get to talk to me! Not after what you did!" I say starting to walk away.

"Don't assume when you don't have the full story!" He yells at me as I continue to walk away.

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