Chapter One

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I wake to a banging on my door.

Startled I ask, "Who is it?"

"It's time for you to wake Isabella," says my father's voice though the wooden door. "I have news!"

I huff out, "Of course you do."

I get up out of my bed. My room is a bit dark thanks to the cloudy and droopy skies. I grab a plain purple shirt from my dark chocolate colored wardrobe like all the rest of my shirts.

Purple is the color of my kingdom.


The kingdom of Revenge.

I find it funny actually, since we don't really take revenge on anybody. We are just like any other kingdom in the ways of peace.

Well that is exept for Kingdom Zues, but we'll get to that later.

I put on a pair of leggings and grab my combat boots, which seem like the only shoes I wear, and head out the door.

I stride down the corridor until I pass the training room. I watch as the warriors prepare for the war. The way there bodies move swiftly as they strike. The sword glimmers as light hits it at just the right time.

I smile.

I've always loved sword play. I remember the first time I held a blade, I was 5 and I almost took out one of the royal guards. I remember how mad Mother was that day. Yelling at father that he shouldn't have left his swords were I could reach. God I miss her...

I shake my head to get rid of the thought. No room for emotions in war time. That's what father taught me. To much of a risk. Emotions make you weak.

I start walking towards the meeting room again. Whatever father wants to tell me can't be good news. The smile in his voice when he told me he needed to talk... it's not normal for him.

I walk into the room and see father there with another man I don't recognize.

"Father?" I ask wearily.

He turns around, "Ah yes, Isabella, I'd like to introduce you to an old friend."

The strange guy turns around and looks at me dead in the eyes. He has dark black hair as slick as the bottom of the sea. His beard raps around his face like a glove. His eyes are the only bright thing about him. They are a bright baby blue.

I stand up straighter. This man feels like he rules every living thing on this peace of rotating rock.

"It's nice to meet you Isabella, I haven't seen you since you were just an inphant." He says as he extends his hand for me to shake.

I extend my hand slowly, trying not to show fear. I've been working on concealing my emotions.

"It's nice to meet you as well Mr...." I start then I realize I never got his name.

"King Ameer, Isabella", my father says sternly, "The King of land Posidan.

My eyes grow huge and my mouth widens a bit.

"Oh, uh, um, sorry sir for not asking for your name, how unqueenly of me." I say stupidly.

Uh this guys got me all messed up.

"Oh it is fine, theres a bigger matter at hand." He says with a serious tone that makes me now he means buisness, "The war is upon us"

I share a look with my father. His look tells me that hes just as serious as the black haired king.

"And what does that have to do with me, may I ask?" I ask.

"We need someone among the troops. To spot out the spies that are rumored to be with us. Someone just as skilled and capable as the the warriors, and we want you to fulfill that duty." King Ameer states.

I'm in complete shock. Me? I think they've got the wrong girl. Sure I'm trained, but me in a war? I can't.

Before I could say anything about the matter. King Ameer ads and even bigger boom shell.

"My son will also be along with you."

"WHAT?" I say louder then I intended to.


King Ameer seems slightly taken back with my outburst of his son, but if he thinks that, he doesn't seem to want to say anything.

My father looks at me angry "Isabella! You shall not speak to me and my acquaintance like that! You are going and that's final!" He says dangerously calm.

My fathers eyes seem to say 'disobey and see what happens' so I give in as he turns with the sea kingdom king, and before they leave King Ameer turns to me.

"Oh and one more thing. No one must know who you are. Not even my son. Understand?" His eyes shine with a warning.

"Yes sir." I say with no emotion.

This was going to be a long day...

AN: First chapter vibes AHHHHH. It was actually really bad but then I fixed it a lot and I like it a little better now, trust me when I say my writing gets better as you go on.

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