Chapter 9

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W// description of blood, injury, and suicidal thoughts.
. .

My feet feel numb.

I don't know how long I've been running. I remember running out of camp, but nothing after. At this point I don't care if I get lost. I just need to get away from it all.

I continue running for a little while longer until I reach the edge of a cliff.

I stare into the abyss of darkness, listening as the river below crashes against the rocks.

I could just end it.

Be happy with mom and never have to deal with any of this.

I've been lied to over and over again.

And I'm done.

I pick my right foot up and hold it over the edge.

I could walk off right now.

No one would care.

Father could find another girl to do his bidding.

Asher already found his other girl to love.

And now no one would care.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I spin towards the voice almost tumbling backwards. Luckily the voice grabbed me hand to steady me.
I look up at his face.


He's smiling at me as I look up at him.
I push his arm off my hand and put a distance between us.

"What, no thank you?" I just glare at him without responding.

"If I may ask, what were you doing out here?" He says looking at me and then back to the spot I was standing on the cliff before.

"None of your business." I say to him annoyed.

"Ah well you are part of my camp, so technically what is your business, is my business." He says tilting his head as he speaks.

I sit on a fallen log and look up at him. "Why do you even care?"

"Well it seems as if you are distressed, and I hate when a lady cries." He says looking quite concerned.

I rub my eyes, realizing I still have tears left on my face. "Well I'm done crying now, so you can leave."

He laughs softly, "No way am I leaving you here! You almost just jumped!"

I stand up quickly, "Ok and your point is? No one will care!" I yell at him.

"What about that boy you were sucking faces with from earlier?" He teases.

"That boy is the reason for all of this" I point to everything around me.

"Oh." Is all he manages to say. The silence drags on for what feels like forever.

Why is he all so quiet all this sudden?

I look up at him and I see anger flash in his eyes. He looks like he might explode.

"The commander caused this?" He says, not being able to look at me or else he'd go crazy with murderous rage.

"Uh, um, yeah, uh he did.." I tell him, confused on his sudden burst of anger.

He just stands there, taking in the information. I watch as his hands clench and unclench, trying to calm himself.

"I'm going to kill him..." he mutters and starts to walk back to, what I assume is, camp.

I run infront of him with my arms extended, stopping him from going any further.

"Don't." Is all I have to say to make him stop. "Please. Just don't tell anyone or do anything. He's still my friend... I- I know he shouldn't be, but he is."

He finally looks at me. Once his eyes meet mine he visibly deflates.

"Ok." Is all he says. I take my hands off his chest, and he leads us back to camp.

Once we stop infront of my tent I turn to look at him.

"Well I guess this is goodnight." Is all he says before walking towards his tent.

I watch as he walks away. God I really need to stop staring at him.

Once he turns the corner and I can no longer see him, I open the flap to my tent and fall asleep right as me head meet my pillow.
. .

I am woken by the sunlight from morning finding it's way through my tent.

I sit up, forgetting for a moment about the events that happened last night. I sigh rubbing my hands across my face.

"You look dead." Rose says from her bed, all ready for the challenges the day holds.

"You have no idea..." Is all I say before I get ready.

Once we get to breakfast, I don't talk. Rose looks at me concerned. I run a hand through my hair and look over that Alexander. He's looking right back at me.

He mouths 'you ok?', and I just nod in response. It doesn't convince him.

I turn away from him. Listening to the others talk about training.

After breakfast is over we all head to training. I've been looking forward to getting rid of some anger anyway.

I head over to the sword station and get in line. I watch as the raven haired girl from yesterday that destroyed my life, takes out another soldier easily.

I watch as Asher walks up to her and holds her hand up to declare her the winner.

"Anyone up for a round?" Amy asks thinking all high of herself.

"I'm up for a round!" My mouth says before I can think.

She looks at me, amused. "You? Didn't I kick your ass yesterday?" She laughs, along with everyone else around me.

I look around and catch Alexander's eyes. He nods at me in encouragement.

I walk up to her, sword in hand.

"What? To scared to face me again?" I say, up in her face.

"Ugh, whatever." She says rolling her eyes. "Let's do this!"

We take our positions. I relax. Being all stiff does nothing for you.

We go in a circle, until she attacks. I block it and spin to get out of her range. I tap into my anger and use it. She comes at me again, and I block once more. I push her away from me and she stumbles. I go for an attack, using her strategy against her. She block and trys to get a hit at me, but I'm to fast. I slash her arm and cheek as my blade comes up. I spin and attack again, not carring if I hurt her. My blade goes for her own, and I disarm her. Even though she's disarmed, I don't stop. I kick her feet out from under her. She falls flat on her back and I point my blade at her neck. Everyone around me is shocked to see there undefeated champion, defeated. I get in her face.

"And they called you the champion? Pathetic." I stomp on her hand before I get up and leave. I smile to myself. She won't be picking up a sword for a while.

I see Alexander walk up to me with a clipboard.

"What size armor do you wear?" He asks looking at the clipboard, pencil in hand.

"Uh Medium." I say confused to why he would ask. "May I ask why?"

He looks up at me after he writes something down, smiling. "Welcome to squadrent A!"

Once Upon A Dream Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora