Chapter 12

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AN// Thank you all for the support! I'm not sure how I feel about last chapter, but I think I can work with that. I would like to thank my bestfriend for helping me with this story and giving me feedback. Go check out her story The Little Big Things (or people)! I'm lucky to have a friend like her!

W// graphic descriptions of injury
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I pull the arrow out of the target on the tree.

"Dude how do you manage to get a bullseye everytime?" I ask Rose amazed.

"Don't know." She says to me knocking back another arrow. I watch as she pulls back the string and fires with ease. The arrow spins as it flies through the air.

I pull the arrow out of the target once again. "Another bullseye!" I throw my hands up in amusement.

She smiles as I hand her the arrows. Thunder sounds in the distance and we both look up at the darkening sky.

"We better get going, that sky doesn't look so good." I tell Rose, watching as lightning flashes in the sky.

"Come on, just a little while longer. Alex said to practice didn't he?" She says knocking back yet another arrow.

"Ok... but just for a little while longer." I tell her reluctantly.

I have a bad feeling about this, and I don't know why.

She pulls back the string and fires just as lightning strikes the cliff above us. We cover our heads for protection.

As I look up I see rocks the size of a pinwheel begin to fall.

I run towards Rose. Right when I grab her hand I begin to feel this energy surge through my body. One moment we are in the shadows of the rocks, the next we are in the shadows of the trees.

I jump back from Rose the moment we get towards the trees.

"How-" Rose starts before she turns around and points at my hands.

I look at them and see a darkish type of fog coming off of them.

"I don't-" I begin but realize I can't get away with this lie.

She looks as if scared of me. "Who- what are you?" She asks me, eyes wide with fear, drawing back her bow.

"Rose, it's me Bella ok? I'm human! I- I just haven't been entirely honest with you ok? It's me..." I tell her putting up my hands to show her I'm not a threat.

"What then? What have you been keeping from me? You bestfriend Bella, please tell me what!"

"My full name is Isabella Marley Hastings. My father is the King of Kingdom Nemesis." I tell her, shoulders visibly deflating as if an invisible force lifts of them with finally telling the truth.

Her eyes widen. "You're- you're a princess?"

"Yes." I tell her. "Now can you please put the bow down!"

"Oh yeah, sorry..." she says as she lowers it to the ground. "I just can't believe I've been staying with royalty!"

I smile at her excitement and take a step forward. I gasp as a pain explodes in my leg. I look down and notice a sharp rock has lodged its way into my right leg. I crumple to the ground holding my leg in pain.

"BELLA!" Rose exclaims, running towards me. "Oh my god!"

She rips a peace of her shirt and raps it around my leg, applying pressure. "I can't fix this, at least not here anyway. We need to get back to camp." She says linking her arm around my shoulder, supporting my weight as she lifts me up.

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