Chapter 2

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AN: Hello everyone! This is my first every story so don't be to rude :). I hope you guys enjoy the story and any feedback given will be highly appreciated. I also have TERRIBLE spelling and grammar which I'm trying to work on, just a heads up.

"Ughhhhhhh." I groan as I flop on my sliky bed sheets.

Why does it have to be me? I've never even killed anyone before! I mean, I shouldn't be that hard. Just keep the mindset that the enemy is the enemy, and they deserve everything that is thrown at them. No matter how out of proportion it is.

I get up from my bed and shuffle towards my window. Looking out to the tree line, marking the end of my kingdom, I realize the importance of my presence during the war. I'm fighting for my kingdom. Everything I'm going to do is going to be for my people.

I hear a knock at my door, "Who is it?" I ask.

"Oh you know, just your local drug dealer stopping by for a visit" the voice says.

I smile and grab my pillow and throw it at the door.

"Come in you lousy idiot!" I say still smiling like a big bozo.

My bestfriend since childhood, Asher, comes in. He has bright blond hair and eyes even bluer then King Ameer's. If you didn't know him you would think he was in the wrong kingdom because of his appearance. Most people who look like him are from Kingdom Poseidon. He's got a strong build, perk of being head commander of the Nemesis Army.

I look at him in the eyes, "Did you hear the news?"

His face is removed of his former smile, "Oh no. No news from you could ever be good."

"I'm going to be fighting along side you and the others in the war. Fathers orders."

His face goes pale. He knows what happens on the battle field. It's his job to see the most gruesome stuff imaginable.

"But!" I say before he can say anything, "no one can know that it's me. At King Ameer of land Poseidon's commands."

"Duuuuude." Is all he gets out. I can see the worried look in his eyes. I've seen that look almost everytime I spar during training. He doesn't want me to get hurt.

He starts to walk towards me and sits down right next to me on my bed. His eyes staring straight at mine. I feel this sensation that I always feel when I'm with him. I don't know what it is, but I only ever feel it with him.

He grabs my hand it puts it in his.

"I will do everything in my power to protect you, Isabella Hastings." He says.

"I know you will..." I say almost at a whisper.

We start to lean into each other. He's so warm. His skin so soft. Almost like touching a cloud. We move into each other...


And closer...

Until we both pull away.

Well... this is aqward.

We both stand up and apologize. How could we be so stupid. We're friends. Not lovers... or are we?

"Shoot. I'm sorry Bells," he says using my nickname  from when we were kids that I have always hated. "I should probably go."

He starts to walk towards my door. Before he walks out he gives me a small smile, and shuts the door behind him.

"UGHHHH" I groan with even more frustration then before.

My day doesn't seem to be going very well...

Time passes until it's time for dinner. I put on some nicer clothes then before. Dinner is a formal event in my family. It always has been. With my silky purple dress and nice shoes. I walk out the door.

Walking past the courtyard, I feel the stormy wind blow through my hazel brown hair as I walk by until I reach another hall.

When I reach the dinning hall I take my designated seat at the other end on the long table. This used to be mother's seat, but since her passing, it's been mine.

I look around. I wonder why father isn't here yet...

The doors slam open as father walks in quickly. Buttoning his shirt as if he was in a hurry to get here and didn't have time to put on proper clothes.

"Sorry, darling." He says as he takes a seat in his spot. "Everything is so busy with everything going on."

"I understand." I say looking up at him across the table.

"Ok well, let's talk about what your role in this war will be shall we?" He says with a smile on his face.

I nod as if my voice won't work properly with the mention of the upcoming war.

"You, my daughter, are honored to work with squadrent A. Those are the most talented and gifted warriors we have from both our kingdom and Poseidon's. Prince Alexander, as we said before, will lead that squadrent as high commander. Your mission is to spot out the spies. It may be dangerous, but that is why we put you with the skilled warriors to protect you. Do you understand your duty?"

"Yes sir. I won't let you down." I say with a meaningful look on my face.

"You won't be letting me down, darling." He says while putting his napkin on his lap gracefully, "You will be letting our kingdom down."

I gulp. I can't mess this up.

The doors open once again and our chefs walk out.

"Dinner is served." The head chef says.

"Delightful!" My father says with a big smile on his face. Still looking at me.

Oh boy...

Once Upon A Dream Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora