Chapter 20

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AN: Hey guys! I may not be posting much this week because I'm going camping with my family, but I will try to post regularly. Hope you have a awesome day!
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"Thank god!"

"My beautiful daughter."

"Don't trust anyone!"

"I'm sorry for this..."

"Emotions make you weak!"

"Become my queen!"

I shoot out of the bed I'm in. Hands start to push me back down.

"Woah calm down!" Says the voice that the hands belong to.

My eyes begin to focus and I catch sight of Asher in front of me. I push his hands off me and lay back down.

"Where's Alex?" I ask rubbing my temple as a headache forms.

"He's making battle plans. He asked me if I could watch you." He says watching me closely. "You got quit the concussion from hitting those rocks."

"Course I did." I say laying back a closing my eyes for a second.

"The pain should ease." He says leaning back in his chair that he has right next to my bed. "Did you have a nightmare?"

"I honestly don't know. It felt more like reliving memories." I say opening my eyes to look at him.

His brown eyes have dark circles underneath them from lack of sleep. His normally combed hair is all messy and in his eyes.

"You look like shit." I tell him.

He laughs at that. "Well you don't look so perfect yourself."

"Wanna bet?"

"I miss this. All the teasing and joking around." He says smiling.

"Well I didn't exactly go making out with the person who almost killed you in training did I?"

He looks down. "I have to admit, it wasn't the best decision I've ever made, but there's more to the story. She through herself at me and I didn't push her off. I know it was stupid but I just gave in. I didn't want to hurt you."

"Well, you did." I say looking him in the eyes.

"For that, I am sorry. Can you forgive me? I just want my bestfriend back."

"We'll see." I say looking cautious.

"Ok." He says smiling. "Oh and what's that thing between the High Commander and you?"

"You mean Alex?" He nods. "Um we are friends but closer then friends I think? We've said we love each other, but I don't know. It's not like he asked me to be his girlfriend or anything. We are in the middle of a war."

"It sounds to me that you are in love and I could never be happier that you found someone." He says smiling with pride.

"Wow thanks for you permission dad!" I tell his sarcastically.

He just rolls his eyes. "I told Alex." He says Alex's name unsure if he has the right to say it. "That I would come and get you when you've woken up, so if you don't mind I have to go and get him."

"Why don't I just get up and do it myself?" I ask while pushing myslef up.

"No, no, no, no, you stay there. He'd kill me if I let you wonder around camp with a concussion." He says pushing me back down, yet again.

I only huff in response.

"Good." He says before he takes off out of the tent.

While I wait I think about my dream. I have a feeling that it wasn't just some random dream.

They were memories.

The memory that stood out to me was a womans voice, who I assume to be my mother's, saying, "my beautiful daughter.."

I can't remember when she said that. Just like every other memory of her, I can't seem to remember.

"Bella?" Alex says from the entrance of the tent.

I look up at him smiling. "Hey."

He rushes to my side grabbing my hand. "What is with you and almost dying?! Can't it ever be my turn?"

I laugh. "I know right! How selfish of me!"

"I'm sorry about Rose." He says looking down. "And the others. I know you all were close."

"Actually, it makes sense. Shana told me not to trust anyone before she died. I should have seen it coming."

"Hey, it is not your fault!" He says putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Yes it is."

He doesn't say anything in return.

We sit in silence for a moment until he asks a question. "What did the Prince of Kingdom Zues want with you?"

"Uh he wanted to bring me back with him. I don't know why." I say, lying about the last sentence.

Alex just sighs and runs a hand through his hair and over his face.

"I don't know what to do now. I don't k know how to keep you safe!" He says frustrated.

"Hey! I'll be ok!" I encourage him. "He won't touch me ok?"

He just stares at me. I notice something orangish on his arm.

"Is this a burn mark?!" I say grabbing his arm and pulling up his sleeve. I gap at his arm as I see burn marker all along his arm.

"I guess that's what I get fighting a royal from Kingdom Zues." He says still looking at me.

"Alex..." Is all I say staring at him arm.

After a while he pulls his arm back and covers it back up with his sleeve.

"I have troops on the front at the moment, so I have to go. I'm glad you are ok though." He says getting up.

Before I have a chance to ask about the troops, he is long gone.

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