After dawn there will be sunshine and all the dust will go.

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Aurora's point of view:

It had been months since I had last seen my sister with the constant stories of her disappearance differing from person to person.

Some people believe that she was abducted by aliens. Others just simply believe that she was the bad child out of the five of us and she had rebelled and run away.

However, I did not believe these silly rumours that were deemed to be the talk of the town. I knew that there had to be something more to my sisters disappearance, she would never just ‘run away’, but with the communities hope to find my sister was dwindling and wearing thin with even my own parents losing any glimmer of hope, the chances of my sister ever returning home seemed inevitable.

I however was never going to lose hope, I was going to find my sister, she had to be out there...


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