I knew you were trouble when you walked in.

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Alice's point of view;

I knew you were trouble when you walked in.

Glancing out of my bedroom window I watched as the condensation from the cool night air begun to leak onto the window as I gazed up into the sky. The dark glow of the full, shimmering moon was breath-taking and etched a slight unfamiliar eeriness across the row of gardens. The window was icy and cool as I placed my fingertips against the sheet of glass, the giant raindrops drumming a soothing rhythm enticing the dark and the bewildering hours of the late night.

As I let my thoughts consume and captivate my imagination, it soon became apparent that this night was unlike any other.

Awakening from my deepest thoughts and desires, I curiously peered out into the eeriness and depths of the night. Before my very own eyes, my gaze was swiftly captivated by a small glowing white figure hiding amongst the large wooden oak trees at the bottom and the overgrown bushes of the garden before suddenly disappearing, almost as if it was a figment of my imagination.

Rubbing my eyes in disbelief I concluded that the lack of sleep and insanity from the weeks of staying indoors due to the violent thunderstorms arising was sending me delusional, but as time passed with the loud and thought provoking ‘tick tock’ of my bedroom clock the figure appeared again, this time its wide and bewildered icy blue eyes began to whisper my name, as if pleading me to follow it.

‘Just close your eyes Alice, it’s just your imagination, there is nothing lurking amongst those bushes.’ I murmured to myself as if trying to convince myself that this delusional scenario was in fact just a dream, or my imagination playing games with me again.

Opening my icy blue eyes gradually, the figure was gone, or so I thought.

Glancing out of the window once more, there the figure was standing, thumping its large feet on the hard and wet ground while it swiftly began to shake its tail in a slight rhythm and it placed its paws on the hips of his little black waistcoat.

Sadly, this was not a dream.

Murder in Wonderland. - On hold.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat