Dedicate yourself and you can find yourself.

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Alice's point of view:

Grasping my coat hurriedly as I attempted to put my shoes on managing to lose one along the way, there was only one thing on my mind;

The white rabbit. He was back.

As I rushed throughout the hallway and through the kitchen I could hear the distant shouts and questions from my parents echoing throughout my mind as I slammed the kitchen door shut, insanity consuming my feeble mind.

‘‘Alice! Alice! What are you doing?! Get back in the house now, it’s freezing out there!’’ My mother called rushing to the archway of the kitchen door as she wrapped her fluffy white dressing gown around her tightly watching me run into the depths of the darkness of the night.

My mind was set and there was no way that I was turning back now.

I had to find that rabbit, even if it was the last thing that I did.

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