I don't know where I belong, I don't know where I went wrong.

20 2 0

With his vicious words still looming in my mind, a loud bellow of the trumpet began to sound piercing through the malicious and bitter atmosphere that I found myself held captive in.

And with that, the game began.

As the figure re-adjusted their stance, they gave an undermining glare at the lime green porcupine ball in front of them.

I knew what this meant, I wasn't a stranger to this game.

Their flamingo necked straightened and ready to go, the malicious and daunting being clasped onto the flamingo whispering something in it's ear before hitting the ball.

As the porcupine began to roll a fair distance, the cards which were now being used as rings swiftly moved towards the ball making sure that the creature would win the game.

Taking a bow of courtesy as the crowds began to cheer and chant in applaud the individual turned towards me, their eyes full of hatred and disgust.

''It's your turn Alice... Good luck.'' They snarled, a malicious and daunting grin dancing upon their rouge red lips.

Murder in Wonderland. - On hold.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu