Review #58 @MandyTheMadness

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Book Name : Tales of Sundardesha : Journey of a lost Queen

Author : MandyTheMadness

Reviewer : RuVineet

Review : The title is pretty unique - - firstly, I thought it would be a package of small tales. But! The story is far more interesting than I knew.

The knight and the child in the prologue makes it interesting. And then Thalya--- seems like this is the story of the twin daughters of Prince of Sundardesha, isn't it??

Thalya - - I like her - - her sense of humour is worth the praise. But what Garvis did with her isn't right. If he can do the pranks, he should be able to take the pranks as well. But, Thalya is so strong. I love her parents too - - they are so loving and considerate about her. She should have told them the truth.

I was surprised with Ayden's entry, who he is?? Is it someone appointed by Thalya's birth mother?? What is his real identity? And what does Queen Bryann wants! Thalya is a happy girl, why would anyone want to kill her!! It hurts to see the girl in so much pain.

Ayden seems to be a sweetheart as he has saved her multiple times. The man who cares for a woman is a true being on earth. Thalya is lucky to have him by her side. Maybe, they'll be able to find peace and fight against the evil queen. I hope so.

All the characters - - Thalya and Ayden are nicely developed. I guess I am loving these two together. It would be fun to see what happens to them. It's truly a complete story with a meaning in each chapter. ❤️❤️A beautiful story woven perfectly.

Well done, dear author.

All the best for future projects.

A/N : I am extremely sorry for the delay in the review, but here it is. This is one beautiful story. I'll be reading more soon. Thanks for choosing me.

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