Season 4: 1# As The Sun Sets

Start from the beginning

Zach: Many spirits have used many methods of execution for a very long time. Such as beheading, burning at the stake, hanging and more. Ever since the ancient times.

Alex: And it's still legal now?

Zach: Yup.

Alex: We seriously have to abolish it and make Tubbo's execution be the last public execution in Zodiac history.

Ranboo: Attempted execution, cuz we might have to save him.

Zach: And to save someone from the execution, we have many different methods listed down.

Corbyn: We're sticking to the old fashion way.

Nick: Yeah.

Zach: And that old fashioned way, was our original plan to attack Jschlatt.

Grayson: I like you.

Zach: Now, let's head to the cafeteria.

We walked to the cafeteria to eat dinner. We got our food and now we're eating up before the sky turn dark. I don't want to stand there and see Tubbo executed and Tommy rotting in jail while being constantly tortured by Dream.

Ryan L: Zach, slow down. Why are you in a rush?

Zach: The quicker we eat, the quicker we could get to Yuansu Park in time.

Cooper: More like the more you eat, the more you gain weight.

Josh: Cooper!

Zach: It's not funny, I could barely gain weight because of my cystic fibrosis.

Cooper: But I'm not the one with-

Josh: Cooper, you have gastroparesis, you couldn't gain weight because of complications.

Cooper: Oh yeah right.

While I was trying to finish up my food, I got a text from Mr. Tan that we have to go to Yuansu Park now. I looked outside and it is already night time yet we're still talking and eating our food. So I told everyone that we gotta eat fast because it is already dark and Mr. Tan is waiting at Yuansu Park.

Zach: Guys, we gotta hurry. Mr. Tan is waiting at Yuansu Park.

Ranboo: Wait what? Why?

Zach: Tubbo's execution is today and we have to stop this once and for all. And save Tommy.

Nick: Got it.

Cara: Oh my god, we really have to save them.

Niki: Yeah, I couldn't bare any of them suffering.

Sam: I just hope that these kids are okay.

George D: Hopefully.

As soon as we finished our food, we kept our plates and ran out of the cafeteria noticing that it is already night. So we decided to walk until we reach Yuansu Park but we couldn't find Mr. Tan. All we could find is a scaffold, a crowd surrounding it. Then, we found Mr. Tan behind the bushes behind the scaffold.

Mr. Tan: Hey.

Zach: Mr. Tan, I didn't know you'd be hiding behind the bushes behind the scaffold.

Mr. Tan: I know. Kind of wished that we could abolish execution already.

George S: Yeah, this is the 21st century. Why does anyone in spirit or Zodiac-kind have to normalise the death penalty?

Alex: Well, this will be the last public execution in history because we're going to abolish it.

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