-Where are we going today?” She asked excited to go out with him.

-You? Nowhere. You stay here and you do your shit while me I’m going in town with the fox to find a gift for my younger brother. And next time announce your presence before getting in... Ah and also.”

Now in front of her, he grabbed her face by her chin and squeezing it hard. He looked down at her, without any expression written on his face. She felt a shiver rolled down her spine, she couldn’t say or do anything. Her master terrified her.

-Don’t you dare call him whore when you are still under my roof. Even more when I can hear you, understand?”

Nodding her head slowly, San let go of his grip and got out of the room without asking anything else. The rabbit stood still in shock. What had just happened? Normally she was always the one following the master everywhere, and now that the fox was there, it wasn’t the case anymore? And she needed to announce her presence like everybody else again? No mention to the fact he treated her like she was nothing. He never did that with her before. All of that was because of the fox. Now she was angry. But she would do anything to gain the favor of her master once again. She just had to make sure he would lose interest towards him, and make also sure Yunho would make him stay away from her master. She won’t bring the fox to him once again, she promised that to herself.  


Yeosang entered his room, he met Yunho in the middle of it, facing him with his arms crossed on his chest. He looked up and down at him without saying anything. Yeosang couldn’t help but think about how he looked like a mother ready to scolded her child.  

-Y-Yunho... Are you okay...?”

-By the smell of our master all around you, I think I can guess what happened... Do you know how much I was worried when I saw you weren’t in our room? You didn’t advise me of anything Yeosang, I thought something really bad had happen!”

-I’m sorry... I just wanted to walk for a bit and I got lost... And I didn’t notice I was in the garden of or master and I met him... I’m sorry.”

Yeosang wasn’t able to face Yunho, knowing he was probably mad at him. And he knew he had every reason to be angry.  

-Yeosang, I’m not mad at you. I’m only disappointed, I trusted you. You were supposed to be in our room and take a rest and to come to see me if you had any problems. But you decided to get out and take a round in the domain without saying anything. You even went into a restricted place.”

While uncrossing his arms, Yunho sighed while playing with his hair. He seemed to not know what to do with all of that information.  

-If something bad had happen to you, I would be the one in fault since I’m in charge of you. I can’t do anything to help you if you start going alone everywhere. We are only servants, we can’t act like if that was our house... That would never be it either. Now I really don’t want to let you go alone anymore except if the master asks for you. I hope that was clear.”

-Yes... I’m sorry that won’t happen again... But I must tell you, the master told me to join you. Because we are going out in an hour, he will wait for us in front of the gate. He wanted me to come with you... He also asked for me to change my clothes but... I don’t have anything else than that.”

Nodding his head, Yunho replaced his disappointed mother’s face into a small smile. He didn’t want to ruin their day because of that, he just said what had to be said.  

-Don’t worry about this, I got you. But that means you will meet the personal guard of our master today!”

-Oh, is that the hybrid tiger you talked about before? You seem quite happy when thinking about him, am I wrong?”

Yunho blushed hard, but didn’t answer. He wouldn’t tell anyone about his relationship he had with the feline. Even if almost everybody there already knew.  

-Come on, you need to change!”

-Yes yes.”

Smiling, Yunho helped Yeosang to change from his dirty clothes to get a gray hanbok. It was still not pretty as the nobles, but it got the job done. And about an hour later, they walked to join their master. It will be a long day.

A/N : hello ! I hope you enjoy my story ! i'm sorry if this chapter was a bit shorter than the others ! Also i wanted to say the next chapters will take a little bit longer to be publish  ! But don’t worry, it's wont take a few months~ 😊🤣

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