My Heart Is A Fist

Start from the beginning

"Because I am!"

"See, this is what starts out fights. You always think you're so much better than me. Don't you remember that you were living out of a car before I found you!"

"Wow, you're playing that card again? I can't stand that every time you're losing an argument you always have to throw that in my face!"

Finn tapped AJ on the shoulder, interrupting her rant, "Uhh... guys."

"What?!" they both yelled at him.

He pointed to the crowd forming behind them. "Don't you think you should talk about this somewhere else?" he suggested.

Dean shook his head, "Nah. Let's do this right here. I have nothing to hide. Yeah I kissed Eva Marie at prom but only cuz she kissed me first."

"So you think that makes it okay?!" AJ argued.

"No. But I'm not denying it. Unlike you who was probably 'messing around' with this pretty boy behind my back." Dean insulted, pointing to Finn.

"I can't believe you don't trust me! I've never in my life given you a reason to think I'd do something like that to you!"

"Neither have I! Do you really think I'd pick someone like Eva over you?"

The crowd divided in two as somebody made their way to the bickering teens. Speak of the devil and they shall appear. It was Eva Marie. "Ouch, Dean. That kind of hurt my feelings. But you mind repeating that last sentence for me? Did you say you'd pick AJ over someone like me?"

"Yeah. Are you deaf or something?"

Eva pulled her phone out of her purse, "Remember this?" the screen revealed a picture of Dean and Eva in bed together. "I believe you said I was the best you ever had."

Dean felt a lump in his throat. He had no idea when that happened. "I never in my life slept with you. Or ever will."

Dean turned to AJ who was scowling at him, "Pictures don't lie, Dean. I can't believe you'd do something like that!"

"Technically, you two were broken up." Eva smiled. "He could do whatever he wants now." Finn held AJ by the forearm keeping her from attacking Eva.

Dean looked at the crowd spotting Sami and Paige staring at what was going down. "Sami, you out of anybody should believe me. Tell them that I would never sleep with Eva."

Paige squinted at Dean, her eyes darkening then she walked away from the scene. Sami watched his girlfriend leave then looked back at Dean, "I wish I could, man." he paused. "You were shitfaced drunk after prom. You kicked me out of the house that night too, then I saw Eva knock on the door when I was leaving. She walked in and didn't walk back out."

"It's true." Eva confirmed, "I mean, don't feel too bad, AJ. You're just a crazy little girl. There's no way you could please Dean like a real woman like me could."

AJ looked at Finn with her crazy eyes. He let her arms go. AJ lunged at Eva, taking her down with a Lou thez press. She grabbed Eva by her hair, slamming her head against the tile. Eva put her arms up trying to block her face but AJ still managed to punch her a few times.

The crowd started chanting, "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" even the teachers didn't bother breaking this up. Everybody just watched the mayhem unfold. Especially a very satisfied looking, Randy Orton.

Dean had had enough of this and he pulled AJ off of Eva. AJ then started slamming her hands against Dean's chest trying to get him away from her. He held her wrists in place keeping her from hitting him.

"Let go of me!" she yelled. "You lying, backstabbing, cheater! I hate you!"

"You don't mean that, AJ." he told her.

"I do mean it! I mean everything that I'm saying right now!" she tried fighting out of his grip but Dean was too strong. AJ tried stomping on his feet but it didn't hurt him. "Let me go! I hope you drop dead!"

"I'll let you go once you stop being so freaking crazy!" Dean yelled, trying to hide the fact that AJ's words were actually really painful.

AJ stopped. Oh how much she hated being called that word. Dean slowly let her arms go as they fell to her side.

Eva moved her hair out of her face, "My god, you are such a psychotic bitch."

"That's it! I'm going to end you right now!" AJ yelled at Eva.

Eva tried making a run for it but AJ grabbed her by the hair. AJ felt an arm wrap around her waist pulling her away from Eva. She thought it was Dean and raised her hand to slap him but saw Finn instead. "AJ, calm down."

AJ breathed heavily, unclenching her fists. She didn't know how but Finn always had a way of calming her down. Was it because of his soothing voice? His eyes? His lips? If all these people, especially Dean, think I kissed Finn cuz I wanted to... Then, I'll give them something to talk about. AJ looked at Finn, bringing him down to her level, kissing him passionately.

*gasp* the crowd went.

Dean spun Finn around, punching him in the face, knocking him backwards into the locker. Finn gained his balance punching Dean back. It was an all out brawl in the middle of the hallway. AJ tried pulling Dean off of Finn but he shoved her to the side which really pissed Finn off. He grabbed Dean's leg taking him down to the floor. Dean rolled over to where he was on top of him.

"Dean stop it!" Aj yelled, pulling him by the hair.

It was in the heat of the moment that Dean shoved AJ a little to rough, making her smash against the lockers as she hit her head, collapsing to the floor.

"Oh my god, AJ!" Dean got up to check on the unconscious girl.

Finn grabbed him by the arm, "You see what you did!"

"This is your fault!" Dean argued.

The boys quit arguing to see if AJ was alright, but when they went to check somebody else already had her scooped up in their arms. "Can't you two do anything right?" said Randy Orton.

He turned around, carrying AJ away to the nurses office, with a huge grin plastered across his smug face. Now that I got Dean and Finn out of the way there's no way AJ won't want to get back with me. I am a freaking genius.
A/N: Fight!Fight!Fight! Randy you are such a snake. We'll find out soon if Randy's plan is going to fall fully into place. So far so good.

Song: Lost At Sea by In This Moment
Lyrics: My Heart Is A Fist by Papa Roach

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