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Sigmatic POV

Sigmatic: Who's the idiot who keeps watching these shits? And why are they in my storage file in the first place!?

I swear that my creator is either a dumbass or just plain stupid... probably both now that I think about it.

Sigmatic: *Sigh* I'm really going to send my creator into the shadow realm in the fourth dimension, which is probably a torture and a lot worse than hell in the third dimension if you think about it.

Anyway beings from the other dimension (Readers), let's bring back the... COOKING LESSON.

Wut, the food is not that scary, I promise... *Proceeds to do the finger crossing behind my back* hehehe, anyway, le's cook this kaiju food that I found during my battle.

Sigmatic: Ah, shite, here we go again with this nonsense excrement that came from the toilet.

~Cooking Lesson: Acidquill Spice n' Salt Extra with Gravy by Sigmatic~

Sigmatic: To do this, you need... an Acidquill, obviously, because if you don't have the main ingredient, then how the hell are you gonna cook? (Dumbass shite for brain who can't think straight) Let's continue. You cut out the important and non-important parts, then separate them from each other, or you can throw out the non-important part, idk. Maybe you can convert the non-important part into a fuel source... now that's big brain right there, bois. Anyway, we're getting further away from our main goal; Cooking kaijus for breakfast. Yup, sounds about right, I guess. *Was about to cut it using his Dual Stinger Blade, but the kaiju, for some reason, suddenly move like it was having a seizure and it's jumping around like it tasted kush for the first time in history, which made Sigmatic pissed off beyond belief because it's ruining its Sigmatic utensils and shit* Da faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! Why is it moving!? I thought I already killed it! It's kinda that meme video where that guy got hit in the face by a fish. *Trying to control the situation but failing miserably* Reeeeeee-

A few minutes later after Sigmatic fixing everything that the supposedly dead kaiju messed up.

Sigmatic: Finally, everything is in its right place. You grab the condiments and shower the damn kaiju with it. And after that, you're go to go to eating it.


After finishing that excellent dish, according to me anyway, I head into sleep mode and hope that the... meme-ry ain't gonna happen again.

Sigmatic: Phew, let's hope that crap won't ever happen again. I mean, what the hell was that train showing its godlike drifting skills? Yeah, let's enter sleep mode already.

Sleep mode... activated.




...Suspension alright...




???: $&^%(*&&*^^&*()...

Sigmatic: Huh? Where da hell am I?

It seems like... oh no, I'm in the... ANTEVERSE.

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