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Yesterday was pretty hectic.

I mean, the PPDC found me!

What should I do now?!

I'm pretty sure December Ajax is already calling his reinforcement to take my ass out, and this is not okay with me.

Sigmatic: ...Let's hope that he doesn't call the police, or else I'm six feet underground when they are about find me.

...And I just remembered that December Ajax is a police jaeger... kind of.

I mean, he has that blue color and he says "STOP" when trying to catch criminals.

He probably is...

Also, I found out the other day that being a DJ is badass, so... I'm going to be one.

Le's go, mah dudes!

Become the DJ *Cue the holy, angelic theme or somethin', idk*.

Sigmatic: But first... in order for me to become the DJ, I need the important tools: The boombox, or any speakers for that matter. I wonder if my tech tree has something to say about this. I need to unlocked it first before I get the boombox... I hope it's there, or else this mission is horsecrap if that ever happens.

You know what, I should explore the boneyard because I haven't completely explored the full part of it, if you know what I mean.

Sigmatic: Yeah, like I got anything better to do other than this. I could go hunt kaijus, but they're too far away from me, and I haven't even got a mode of transportation yet, so... yeah, let's explore this place.

Some time later, I walked around, seeing destroyed jaegers on the ground and I thought, 'Must be Apex hunting these robots.', and I moved on to the next scenery.

Sigmatic: And here we can see some fishy corpse of some kaijus. They smell shit, ngl dude.

Yeah, also, when da hell did I get the sense of smell?

It's not like I got it due to me eating the kaiju EDIBLE food and somehow evolved a nose.

Sigmatic: ...Yeah, must be my imagination. Moving on.

And... that's the tour of the place... there's nothing more to see here.

Well, you can see Apex here eating some kaijus, but that's about it.

Sigmatic: Oh man, I wish I could do that teleporty thing that I accidentally did a few days back. I wonder how I can do it again? Maybe... *Looks at Apex, who is still eating kaijus*... hmm...

I opened my PA system.

Sigmatic: Hey, Apex!

Apex: *Looks at Sigmatic with some question mark on his forehead*

Sigmatic: How can you do the teleporty thing!? Can you do the teleporty thing?!

Apex: ...*Nods*

Sigmatic: Cool. Can you show me how it's done?

Apex stands up, leaving his kaiju food, and grabbed my head.

Sigmatic: Wait, is this how you do i-

Apex instantly slammed my head onto the ground, and I blacked out.






What the... da hell am I?

What was I doing here?

Bio-Mechanical Entity: Drone_Jaeger-#200Where stories live. Discover now