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It's been 2 days since I gone toe to toe with Nine Jack, and he hasn't found me since then.

I guess I'm good at hiding.

I should really train myself, and that's what I've been doing for the past 2 days... train.

Well, I watched few Youtube videos about martial arts and stuff, but those things can only get me so far.

I need to experience it myself, and so, I continue my training.

My hand-to-hand combat right now is, how should I say this... sufficient enough for fighting a below middle power enemies, which basically means category 3 and below.

The only hand-to-hand combat I know is... well, it has no name actually, but you could say it's the dirtiest and most effective hand-to-hand combat there is.

My legs are good for now, but my hands sucks at fighting enemies head on.

So I took the liberty in enhancing them, and taught myself to a few techniques.

The first one is called "Eye Gouge".

> Like the name suggest, it will blind the opponent when you strike their eyes with your fingers.

The second one is called "The Long Knee".

> You hit your opponent with your knee into their guts, making them disoriented for a while.

The third one is called "Up Knee".

> A variant of "The Long Knee", the only difference is you hit them in the face with your knee.

The fourth one is called "Throat Punch".

> A punch to the throat can crush the windpipe, and I hope Kaijus have windpipe, or else this is useless, though, it can be a good start in the early fight.

The fifth one is called "Ax Stomp to Wherever".

> Adding power to your knee and slamming it down onto your opponent's face, and it's not a fighting technique, but it can finish a real fight.

The last one is called "Nutcracker Choke".

> Grabbing your opponent's throat and crushing it with your hands, and it can stop their breathing as a plus.

Sigmatic: Hehehe, if Nine Jack wants to fight again, he'll never know what hit him. Literally and metaphorically. Your days are numbered, Nine Jack.

Wut, fite me, nub.

Oh shit, I keep forgetting that Nine Jack is a category 5 kaiju... well, at least my survival rate has been drastically increased, about 2.45%.

My total survival rate is... 5.78%.

Sigmatic: ...I only have one thing to say... crap.

I'm about to internally screamed because of this shit right here.

I'm going to watch memes now, because those things... are the only cure for sadness~!

Sigmatic: Ah, yes, the green youtuber who will make my day bright as the sun. Hot as 360 or 420 degrees Celsius.

A day has passed since then, and Sigmatic trained his mechanical body to the point it remembers it by muscle memory.

Here's my daily routine for the past day or so: Hibernate, wake up, hunt aquatic life forms, eat, train, and hibernate.

Sigmatic: Seems simple enough, huh?

My current goal now is killing Nine Jack, if I did that, then I can now live a peaceful life with the occasional PPDC jaegers roaming, but at least they aren't actively looking for me.

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