Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Lauren pov

I haven't been on my game since I've gotten out of the hospital. I haven't even gone to the warehouse to check how things are going.

Not that I care, I know things can run on their own, and I wanted to dedicate this time to Camila.

Tonight is my last night before I "start looking for a new job," in reality, I'm just going to start putting my all back into Los Jaguares. With no Vero anymore, I'm going to have a little more responsibility on my plate.

Because it's my last night dedicating it to Camila, I decided to do something special for her. She's been staying with me lately, but I can't seem to get enough time with her.

She's been working a lot during the day, and she even has to go into the precinct at times. So I guess she's doing way better than I ever did. She sometimes takes business calls while with me, but she tries to avoid that for the most part.

That brings me to my next thing, Cruz. This past weekend, he sent me an email letting me know that he got an insider tip on a Dez Syndicate warehouse far out of the city.

Apparently, if I go in there and collect enough evidence, I can convict Luis, and I can get my job back. For the most part, it sounds like a good deal. Camila even told me that she prefers me as commissioner over her.

There's just something a little fishy about this. I guess I always get that feeling when it comes to Cruz. So maybe I should email him and let him know that I'll take the opportunity.

I'll worry about that tomorrow. Tonight is all about Camila.

While she's been away at work, I've spent my time learning a song on the guitar for her. It's not much, but I know how much she enjoyed listening last time I played. I even learned the lyrics so I can sing it for her as well.

After that, I will have a nice dinner made, and I can treat her like a queen all night. This can almost be like an apology for the way I treated her before the accident and a thank you for how much she was there for me during my recovery.

-A couple of hours later

It's getting close to the time for her to get home. I have the table set, and dinner is soon to be ready, so by the time she's home and I'm finished with the song, it'll be ready and nice and hot for her.

The front door opened just as I set the bottle of wine on the table. I took one last look around, making sure everything was perfect before I walked out into the living room, ready to greet her.

"Well, don't you look nice?" She said, placing her purse down.

"I have a surprise for you," I said, placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Oh? And what did I do to deserve this?" She asked playfully.

"Oh, nothing, just maybe be the perfect girlfriend," I said, rolling my eyes as I walked over to the guitar that was sitting on the couch.

"Come here first. I wanna play something for you."

"This isn't the surprise?" She asked as she took a seat across from me.

"No, let's just call this the appetizer," I said as I picked up the guitar and prepared myself to play.

I began to play and sing the now memorized song.

"I found myself dreaming,

In silver and gold,

Like a scene from a movie,

That every broken heart knows,

We were walking on moonlight,

And you pulled me close,

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