Two Can Play At That Game

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A/n- Short chapter don't kill me

Lauren POV

It seemed urgent enough, especially because she called me at such late hours. Normani was the one to work late and suck up. If she ever had to tell me things that might have been an inconvenience to me, you could tell she didn't want to.

If I didn't talk to her, she didn't bother me.

This was one of those situations where I knew I had to listen. I could feel it.

The drive to my precinct was quiet and seemed to take the longest it ever has. It was excruciatingly slow, considering I flew through all the lights.

I finally got there and jumped out of the car. I had to see what was so urgent, and I swear to god if it's something stupid.

I got out to see Normani standing nervously at the front doors. She seemed to be wearing what she had worn to work, so I assumed she worked late or something.

"What happened," I asked, obviously irritated as she hadn't started talking yet.

"Well, I was working late, and I decided to leave around 1 am. Just as I was about to get home, I realized I had left my wallet here, and because I knew I wasn't going to work tomorrow, I thought it'd be best just to drive back and grab it." She said while looking at her hands.

"Mhm, go on," I said impatiently.

"When I came back, I noticed the alarm didn't go off as I walked through the doors. That's when I decided to check the cameras, and well, I think you should just see for yourself," she said as she led me into the main lobby.

A million things were running through my mind at this moment. I mean, she could've seen anything if the alarms were tampered with, then the person who did it could've been trying to get in. Or even succeeded in getting in, or worse, they're still in here.

I didn't have much time to think about the different possibilities as she had pulled up the camera footage from a few hours earlier.

"See, here's me leaving. You can see I'm locking the doors and turning on the alarm. I thought maybe I did it wrong, but the light is flashing, indicating I did it right." She says, gesturing toward a screen showing just precisely that.

She fast forwards about 20 minutes. We have cameras everywhere except for a few places. We have cameras in all halls, elevators, downstairs cells, the surrounding area outside, and offices. The only places with no camera are my office and the back alley.

You can see on the outside Camren facing the front a black car pulls up it appears to be a Bentley. A man steps out of the front on the drivers' side and heads to the trunk. It's mighty bold for him to be doing this right at the front.

At the trunk, he pulls out what appears to be. I squint at the grainy quality, holy shit, a body.
More precisely, a female body, and she's either knocked out or dead. He walks right up to the front and opens it with ease. He must've tripped the building security before because it shouldn't be that easy.

He brings the body inside. About 10 minutes later, he comes back out. I see the guy isn't regular. He's wearing a ski mask.

I think that at this point, it can't get any worse, but I'm proven wrong.

The man stops right at the front step of my precinct. He then does a slow eerie turn toward where the camera is and looks directly at it. He tilts his head to the side and waves—a slow, menacing wave.

He then pulls an envelope out of his pocket and sticks it in the wall. So that's the package that I so conveniently forgot about that Normani mentioned earlier.

I look at her, and she gives it to me. On the outside is Lauren written in messy yet sophisticated writing, inside is only one piece of paper folded it reads,

Thought I could be the only one to leave signs? Mine are just more fun to find. Have fun.

My blood runs cold at the realization. He walked in with the body but not out, which means somewhere in this building, there is that body. And this mystery person left it up to me to find.

"Go home, Normani," I say to her while still looking at the paper.

"But I think I should be here to help." She says.

"No, I think it's best if you leave this to me, and you can take your day off tomorrow," I say, turning toward the building.

"But-," she tries to protest again, "no, now go home," I cut her off.

"Fine, but be safe and call me if you need anything," she says before pulling me into a hug.

I reciprocate it, mentally preparing myself for what I could see.

"Thank you," is all I say before I leave her standing there and head toward my building.

Let's see what this fucker left for me.

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