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Lauren's POV

Over the years, I have gotten so used to waking up with someone else in bed with me. Today was no different. The sunlight was shining into the room and immediately flooded my eyes when I tried to open them.

The weight on my chest seemed normal, but I didn't want to kick her out like I did most girls in the past once I saw who it was.

The curly brown hair flowing over my chest and the bed made me want to stay longer and run my fingers through it. Now I could. Nothing was stopping us from enjoying this week. We have a whole week ahead of us, no work and no Luis, perfect.

I've been enjoying my time with Camila. At first, she was just another one of my conquests, but the more we spend time together, the more times we get intimate, the more I want to keep her around.

She's lasted the longest out of everybody, that's for sure. Let's see how it goes after this week.

I reach over and check my phone I have a few missed texts from girls I've given my number to for some odd reason. What drunken state of mind did I think it was a good idea to provide them with access to contact me?

I choose to ignore those for now. It's about 10 am, not too late and not too early. I decided to get out of bed and leave Camila to wake up on her own. Maybe a nice breakfast in bed will make another good start to this week.

Camila's POV

I remember falling asleep with Lauren, and we weren't drunk, but once again, I wake up to an empty bed. She's been working so much lately. Can you blame me for thinking it's not always work that keeping her late? I've seen how her secretary Normani looks at her.

Just when I was about to pick up my phone and call Lauren and see where the hell she is the door to the room opened. In she walked holding a tray with food on it and even a lovely flower next to it.

"Aww, Lo, what is this?" I cooed.

"Well, I decided since I woke up before you to go ahead and surprise you this morning." She said and flashed a cheeky smile.

"Well, let's see if it's good," I said while picking up the fork.

She made pancakes with Nutella and bananas on them. She knows bananas are my favorite because how can someone not know that about me?

I took a big bite and immediately was hit with delicious flavors, "Holy shit Lo, this is good," I said once I finished chewing.

"Did you even doubt it would be in the first place?" She asked before planting a kiss on my forehead.

I took a sip of the drink sitting on the tray and almost spit it out as soon as it hit my tongue. "What the fuck is this," I asked, giving her a look.

"It's a mimosa. I thought you might like it. I've already had a few myself."

"I don't usually like alcohol this early in the morning, so it surprised me, that's all. And no wonder why you're so lovey, you're just drunk." I said, placing the tray next to me.

"No, I just wanted to be nice, that's all." She said, sitting down on the bed.

"You were already so nice last night, you could just do that again, and that would be enough for me," I said, pulling her in for a kiss.

"Well, if you say so." She said before laying over top of me and deepening the kiss.

Once things began to get a little more heated, she pulled away. Disappointed at the lack of lip-to-lip contact, I opened my eyes to see what the problem was.

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