Time To Celebrate

Start from the beginning

"Do I need to be worried? Is everything okay?" Y/N asked as she turned to look at Nat wondering why Nat looked so serious.

"I just wanted to check in with you and see how you're doing. I feel like I've let Wanda keep you to herself for long enough now" Nat smiled as she lent against the balcony, studying her best friend closely.

"Honestly I'm great Nat. I know everyones worried that I'm not dealing with what happened but really I'm fine. Something bad happened and then it was okay" Y/N said glancing away, looking out at the grounds of the compound.

Nat arched a brow at the response not at all convinced that what Y/N was saying was completely true. She'd seen Y/N do this before, bottle things up and refuse to deal with them. It had been something Y/N had done back at Shield when things had gone wrong and Nat had always had to push to get Y/N to open up.

"I get that you're all loved up and on cloud nine with Wanda and I don't want to take that away from you but with everything that's happened, it's been a lot and I just need to know you aren't going to disappear into the dark and twisty place again Y/N" Nat reached out to touch her friends shoulder gently.

Y/N sighed, she knew Nat wanted the best for her but all Y/N wanted to do was forget what had happened. She couldn't bring herself to talk about how terrified she had been or how she had been sure Lexa was going to kill her but had then been confused about how to feel when Lexa had shown that a small part of who she'd used be was still there. It was all too much and to try and talk about it seemed pointless, why open old wounds?

"None of it matters now. I'm back here and safe. I just want to move on. Lexa is gone and likely won't ever show up again so there really is nothing to worry about" Y/N shrugged slightly, "Come on I'm missing my own party."

With that said Y/N decided the conversation was over and turned to head back inside but Nat stepped in front of her, blocking the door. A stern look on her face that had Y/N stop in her tracks.

"Promise me you will talk to me if there is anything wrong" Nat said firmly, her eyes meeting Y/N's.

"Okay you have my word, any bad feelings and you will be the first to know. I promise" Y/N nodded, she knew Nat wasn't going to let this go easily but hoped for now this would be enough to reassure her.

Nat stepped aside and let Y/N back in, though her concerns hadn't been alleviated, if anything she was more worried now. Y/N thought Lexa was gone and at some point they were going to have to tell Y/N about the current situation happening downstairs. Lexa was here and she was not happy to be.

Y/N made her way over to Wanda who was talking to Tony and Pepper over by the bar.

"Hey Y/N, I'm so glad to see that you're doing okay" Pepper smiled as she gave Y/N a hug.

"Thanks Pepper, it's good to see you how are things going being the boss of Stark Industries?" Y/N smiled as she stepped back, her hand reaching out for Wanda's.

"Oh you know the same old, keeping Tony out of meddling with things he shouldn't" Pepper joked as Tony shook his head.

"No idea what you mean, I'm a beacon of how to behave properly" Tony smirked as he finished his glass of champagne.

They all laughed at that and Y/N loved seeing how Wanda's face lit up when she laughed and the way her eyes sparkled with joy. It helped settle some of the panic that had crept in from the conversation with Nat. 

Y/N knew there was probably a lot about her past that she should tell Wanda about but she was worried that if Wanda really knew about it that it would scare her away and Y/N couldn't bare the thought of that after only just getting Wanda back.

"Excuse us, I need to stop whatever it is Vision and Thor are trying to do over there" Tony said as he and Pepper headed over to the pair who were currently in the kitchen trying to make popcorn using small sparks of lightening from mjolnir.

"I've just realised I don't even know how old you are" Wanda said as she swayed slightly on the spot, the four glasses of champagne starting to take effect.

"I'm twenty-five today" Y/N said smiling as she wrapped her arm around Wanda's waist to hold her steady.

"Oh okay that's good, I was worried you were going to be really old, like Steve kinda old or something" Wanda laughed as she lent against Y/N.

They spent the rest of the night celebrating, Thor and Bucky engaged in a drinking contest whilst Steve and Clint had somehow ended up challenging each other to see who could do the most push ups in-between doing tequila shots. 

There had been plenty of laughter and encouragement from the others as these things had happened. Then it had come time for the cake, everyone had sung and again Y/N had thought she'd die of embarrassment as they demanded she blow out all the candles.

It was only when the sun started to rise that everyone started disappearing back to their rooms. Nat had left the earliest and Y/N had noticed she hadn't headed in the direction of her room after saying good bye, but instead went in the opposite direction. Y/N wondered where she had been going but was distracted by a very tipsy Wanda who was demanding they go and snuggle.

Y/N got Wanda back to her room and laughed slightly as the other girl collapsed into the bed fully clothed, immediately curling up under the blankets and falling asleep. Y/N climbed into bed next to Wanda and wrapped an arm around her, sleep didn't come to Y/N as quickly though as she laid there thinking about what Nat had said earlier.

There was a nagging feeling that Y/N wasn't able to shake, like something bad was lying in wait for her. She wanted to truly believe that things were okay, that she was going to be okay but happiness never seemed to last long around Y/N. 

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