Chapter 16

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I stretch out my arms and let out a yawn. This office chair is killing my back after long hours of sitting behind a computer screen. I have stayed after-hours all week assessing problems after problems and attending meetings all day. 

But it was all worth it.
Everything is going back at a regular pace, and soon it will all be downhill.
The only thing left is my meeting with Amanda and Kindle to resettle the inheritance. After sending them both documents explaining the situation and a contract, neither of them has reached out. As expected.

The door opens, and Elias enters with two cups of coffee. He places one on my desk and takes a seat, "When are we leaving? It's almost nine,"

"I have to wait until Malachi gives me this week's report. He is on his way," I tell him. I take a sip of the coffee.

Just as the nasty warm liquid enters my mouth, I glare at Elias.

and spit it right back out.

The bitter taste hugs on my tongue.

Elias sits up, "What? Did you burn your tongue? It's not even hot, though,"

I open the lid and cringe at the sight, "Elias..."

He leans over to examine the content. To him, it may seem normal but to me... I am disturbed.

The door opens again, but this time Malachi enters with the familiar blue folder.

"Sorry I am late, Tempest," he walks towards my desk, pausing to assess the situation, "What are you guys doing?"

"I don't know. I gave her coffee and she spits it out," Elias shrugs.

Malachi looks at my cup.
Then at me.
And starts laughing. 

"Oh man," he covers his mouth, "You gave her black coffee?! and it's warm?!"

I close the lid on the cup and place it on the table, "I don't drink my coffee warm. And I don't take my coffee black," Malachi hands me the folder, still laughing at my disgusted face. I can't get the taste out of my mouth, "Stop laughing. Now I am going to have this taste until I get home,"

"Home? Like back to your hotel or your house?" Malachi ask.

I take a quick glance up at Elias who is trying to hide his smile against his cup. "I am going to the house. They called last night to tell me everything was ready, and I checked it out this morning. It looks marvelous,"

"Wow, it only took them two weeks. I am glad your back in the safety of your home,"

Is housing a psychopath consider safe? Yes or no?

Elias turns in his seat to Malachi, "So... why are you still here?"

"Elias," I warn without glancing in his direction.

He huffs a breath in response, "I was just kidding with him,"

This is something I am worried about. That day when Elias walked in on Malachi comforting me, I had an unsettling feeling about how he was looking at him. Elias doesn't always show emotions, but it was pretty clear at that moment he hated what he saw. To me, Malachi is and will always be an important person in my life. We have been through a lot together. We know each other. I trust him with all I have, that is why I put him in the highest position. I am always going to want him by my side and will protect him from anything. 

Elias won't see it that way, however. This is the man who suspected me with his own uncle, for God's sake. The relationship between Elias and I is complicated, something unsolvable. Elias knows about what went on between me and Malachi, which gives him all the right to fear that we might rekindle what we once had due to better circumstances. The last thing I need is him going after Malachi. I can handle arguments, but what I won't tolerate is Malachi getting harmed in any way.

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