Chapter 22

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Lunch with Carlos was... awkward for lack of better words.
It was the same lecture, the same scolding, the same warning, but this time he could tell I wasn't as attentive or alert as before. I wanted to just come clean, right then and there. I wanted to tell him that Elias was staying with me and that he and I are... courting? What would you call us? That's the problem. We don't have a label so it isn't really worth the discussion and argument. I just sat there and ate my food as he recites his famous phrase, "you're going to get hurt, Tempest,"

I know Elias isn't going to hurt me though. It's not hard to see that he has no ill intentions towards me. If anything, I would be the one who breaks his heart, just as he said. He has done no wrong in front of me, and who am I to judge him for his past. Even I have a past. For fucks sake, I killed my own father. I find myself constantly comparing our actions, and the difference between me and a claimed psychopath doesn't seem so different. That's a problem, I know. He has an antisocial mental disorder while I'm just.... willingly an awful person.

Carlos worries for me because of this reason I suppose. He doesn't want the burdens of my trauma to trample over me. I understand that, I truly and honestly do. It's like a father protecting his daughter from the bad boy.

But this 'bad boy' happens to have a soft spot.
And I think that's what makes all of this a thrill. I guess this is what makes life worth living. Taking risks and growing up.

It's not like before. Back when Malachi and I used to sneak around.
No this is different. Because I am no longer too young. My emotions have matured and have intensified. This might be the real deal.

And me being who I am... this is my chance to feel something authentic, with no tricks or demise.

The only flaw being time.

I head back to the office. The week is quickly passing by me, and this weekend is Liv's graduation. I can't use my spare time for work, so I have to finish everything by the end of the week and continue next Monday.

I walk into my office, where Malachi and Elias seem to be having a delightful conversation. They both turn to me as if they got caught breaking character.

"I see you two have become friends," I say, plopping into a seat across Elias.

"Friends is a strong word," Elias replies, settling back into his seat, "We were talking about Olivia's graduation,"

"Is that so?" I begin to pull out my laptop, "What about her graduation?"

Malachi clears his throat and eyes Elias, who looks at the ceiling. I confusedly look between the both of them waiting for a response.

"Well," Malachi begins, "We went out for lunch soon after you left. I ran into Lilac, Lilac Michaelson, right... and she has an outstanding memory. She remembered Elias from your ceremony. Crazy thing, she even remembered how you said that he was single..."

I turn to Elias, who continues to stare at the ceiling, "And?"

"She asked him out... actually she asked him to be her plus one to the graduation party, but the same thing right?" Malachi answers.

"And then?" I continue to stare at Elias, expecting him to answer, "What did you say to her, Elias?"

So this is jealousy? a bitter feeling.

"I told her I have a girlfriend," he responds.

I freeze in my seat.
Malachi has a huge grin on his face and says, "And she didn't believe him. She thought he was playing hard to get. She even said that you wouldn't lie about him being single and asked him to reject her like a man... guess what this man did..." he starts laughing uncontrollably, "He says... He says in this deep ass voice 'Get out of my face, I am trying to eat'"

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