Chapter 11

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"Yes," I say into the phone pacing around my room, "Tomorrow is perfect. I will be asking for a lot though because this house is older than both of us. 5 bedrooms need to be touched up," I walk over to my desk to read the list I created last night, "The master bedroom needs the most work. I want to add sunroofs on the ceiling of the staircase, and the banister needs to be changed,"

I hear a frustrated sigh behind me as Annette waits for me to finish my phone call. I have been getting ready for the ceremony for the past two hours.

I give her an apologetic smile, "Alright, thank you. See you tomorrow," I hang up and turn my full attention to her, "I am so sorry. I didn't expect them to call this soon,"

"It's alright. I just need to finish your hair," she pulls up the seat I was originally in before the unexpected phone call, "I was hoping you wouldn't stress yourself too much all too quickly. Couldn't the renovation wait until you are settled in?"

I look at her through the mirror as she parts my hair into a smaller section and picks up the straightener. Annette had worked in a beauty salon long before she was hired at the Moore Mansion. I was glad when she agreed to help me get ready. Mrs. Margret was running late due to supervising the venue. 

"I can't be settled in until I make this place feel like home. Right now, it looks like a prison that has been waiting to cage me," I look around my room, realizing it has aged without me living in it. It won't be my room much longer, however, since I will be moving into the master bedroom after it is decorated to my taste. 

I watch my curl pattern disappear as the straightener moves from my roots to the ends of my hair. The white ends blend perfectly throughout my head.

"All done," Annette says, smiling at her work, "I was afraid the colors wouldn't look good if your hair got straighten, but wow. You look incredible, Miss Moore,"

I smile brightly at her and run my hand through my hair, fixing it into the middle part, "Thanks again. I have to get dressed. Tell Frank I am almost done, okay,"

She nods and exits my room.
My dress lays on the bed neatly, looking elegant.
Too elegant. 

It's really happening. The day I have been waiting for has finally arrived and somehow I am not as excited as I initially was. Why is that? I guess I finally see that there is more to the mafia than being big and bad. It's not about guns and drugs, but about serious and calculated business.

I remove my clothes and slide into the dress, and step into the heels beside the bed.
I take a seat at the vanity table and begin putting on the jewelry. All ruby gems. The necklace, the earrings, and of course the ring. My makeup was done already done before my hair. 

Everything is done, everything is polished.

 I will also remind you of your true self, the one you see in the mirror every day when you wake up. Who are you trying to fool with this act? 

I squeeze my eyes shut, and shake the thought out of my head. 
That asshole. 
I can't even look at myself anymore.

I slam my door shut and head downstairs

Internal warfare is not a light subject

Well, it's about to become external warfare if he doesn't leave me alone. 

"Are you okay?" 

I look up to see Malachi leaning against the wall by the front door, with a concerned look. I realize how my face must look and relax the tension. 

"Yeah," I look at him up and down, "You look great, Mr. Consigliere,"

He waves me off, "Please, Madam Mafia. Don't flatter me. YOU look amazing,"

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