Chapter 37

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***Tempest POV***

"She's not waking up dammit! How much of that stuff did Annette put in her food?"

"If she dies all of this would go to her family... she better wake up or else,"

"Or else what? This was all your idea. I was happy living a life far away from this bit—"


"I think she is waking up..."

My head is heavy as it falls back. I can't lift it.
My eyelids flutter to adjust to the lighting above me.
Everything is a huge blur.

I feel a suffocating fabric in my mouth and a tight itchy rope wrapped tightly around my wrist.
I've been gagged, I believe.

"Hey!" I feel a gentle kick on my shin, "Wake up,"

The only thing that lifts my head is a violent cough that escapes me. I double over and cough my lungs out, with the gag making it hard to get the blood out of my mouth.

Hands grab my chin and lift me to meet a hated gaze, "Let me take this out," Jacob says, pulling the bloody fabric out of my mouth. He makes a face of disgust as he drops it to the floor.

A splatter of blood stains his blazer when I spit on him, "What the hell do you want, you bastard?"

He stands there, mortified at the sight of his coat. His hand raises and strikes my face loud enough for it to echo in the room.

A screech is overheard as the speaker in the room booms, "Don't. Hit. Her." The voice says.

Jacob looks apologetically at the speaker before turning back to me, "My apologies,"

"Kiss my ass,"

"Stop being difficult," he whispers in hopes whoever is speaking through the intercom doesn't hear him, "I rather not be talking to you either,"

He leans close to my face and makes sure I meet his eyes, "I hope he changes his mind and kills you,"

"Why are you too much of a coward to kill me yourself, Jacob?" I question, threateningly.

The corners of his lips rise, "You think you're that strong, Tempest? You're still the broke little girl you were when your daddy beat the shit out of your mother every night. The same little bratty teenager who got manipulated by her grandfather, who killed her father, who has just liked to get her way no matter what it takes... you think leaving for six years will eliminate all your enemies... oh, please,"

For the first, I am afraid beyond explainable measures.
Something tells me I am going to die, even though Jacob says I won't.

"Why am I here?" I ask.

"To sign away everything under your name... or else we will kill another one of your loved ones..."

Another one?

Another one...

Oh my God.

He can't mean...

"Where is he?" I frantically ask, struggling in my seat. Jacob flinches back at my sudden action. "What did you do to him? Don't you dare touch him or I swear to God I will kill you, Stone? WHERE IS HE?" I scream.

He stands there, eyes wide.

I begin to cry.
I feel pathetic.

Where is Elias?

"I didn't know you loved him that much," he speaks, "He is right there,"

I follow his pointing fingers to an unconscious person handcuffed to some pipes.
My heart begins to calm down.

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