Chapter 35

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My head is starting to hurt again and the room blurs in and out.
I grab the arms of a seat and slowly sit on the hard cushion of the hospital chair. I feel weak regardless of having eaten and changed into freshly scented clothes. I don't tell Elias this though. He continues to speak in his foreign language, quick and frantic.

There is a sinking feeling in my stomach, and I feel like I am being dragged into an abyss of self-pity and exhaustion. I cannot believe I got poisoned in my own home. Of course, I have my list of suspects, and I need to get out of this dreadful room.

I need to talk to Frank. I want to know if he found Kindle.

I want to talk to Malachi, to thank him for rushing me to the hospital.

I just want to be on the other side of the door.

But better me in here than Elias.

A loud sigh zones me back in, and Elias stands a couple of feet away from me. My head is pounding.

"What is it?" I manage to ask without faltering my act, "Is everything okay?"

He doesn't look at me, and he takes a while before he can answer, "My father is dead,".

His weighted words pull me farther and farther into the abyss.
There is a sharp pain stabbing at my side. I feel cold sweat beading on my forehead his word sinks in.

Elias kneels in front of me and takes my hand. His face displays desperation and he looks intently into my eyes, "Tempest, I have to leave, but I don't know how I can leave you. Not like this. Not.... Not ever,"

I can't even look at him anymore.
I can't.

I close my eyes and steady my breath.

"Love," his lips brush the back of my hand, "Tell me not to go,"

The last line was so faint, I almost missed it.

But I didn't miss it.
That's what does it.
Huge, uncontrollable tears flow from my closed lids as I shakingly sob.

"Don't go," I cry.

I am pulled into his arms as I continue screaming into his shoulders, "You can't leave me like this Elias. We have weeks left. WEEKS! We... We made a deal! A stupid fucking deal," I pull my arms out from underneath his and wrap them around his neck. My hands glide into his hair and hold him tightly. "I love you,"

"Ti Amo," he whispers, kissing my shoulders.

I squeeze my eyes shut, "I love you,"

Elias pulls away from me and we face each other. Our eyes are damp, and we reek of sorrow. I press my forehead against him, watching more tears slip from his eyes.



Our lips meet, but only for a second before he says, "Marry me..."


"Marry me. Today. Marry me right now. Then you have to leave with me and we won't have to say goodbye," he talks quickly, with no second thought.

How foolish it is to ask such a loaded question.

"We can't get married, Elias. I can't leave all of this behind," I shake my head, not trying to infiltrate my head with an idea that will not work.

His hold loosens around me, "You would choose your fortune over me?"

"That not what I'm saying-"

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