Chapter 17

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For the first time in two weeks, sleeping at home was even better than expected, especially since I have moved into the newly improved master bedroom in the west wing. I was pleased with the modifications of the house last night as I toured each room as if I am a newcomer. I am glad I am finally making this place my home.

There so much space in this room, since it is supposed to be spacious enough for two people. I feel rather small sleeping in a king-sized bed than the usual queen-sized bed in my old room. I draw the curtains and allow some light into the room. The floors are cold as I tip-toe to the bathroom.

I put on some music as I do my morning routine. ( Okay by Chase Atlantic)
Even on a lovely Saturday morning, my schedule is packed. I don't have any time to myself these days to just breathe. I like spending time with my friends, don't get me wrong, but between a busy week at work and planning little hangouts, I am left with zero me-time. Unless I am going to sleep.

My phone vibrates.
A text message pops up.

Elias: What time should I come? I was hoping we would have dinner.

I spit out the foam of toothpaste in my mouth.

ME: I thought you were moving in on Sunday?

Elias: No... I said start counting my days on Sunday. Sunday starts at 12:00 a.m you know.

I groan. So that means I have to get everything ready for him before I leave the house. Good God, can someone give me a break?

Me: Okay, fine. I will probably get back home near 6 p.m. Be here by 7

Elias: Sounds good.

I click the power button.
I am really going to go through with this, huh? Let a man live n my house in exchange to never see him again after two months. It had to come this far. You would think a one-night stand would just be a one-night stand, no strings attached. But when you sleep with an Italian mafia heir who is also mentally ill, you kinda have no hope. Thinking back at it, I don't know what got into me that night to make such an impulsive decision.

I shake the thoughts out of my head and head to the closet. I can't change the past, but I can create a better future. everything will be Okay.

There are many options to choose from for a friendly breakfast date. Though it is sunny outside, it is getting chilly. Autumn is close to settling in. I take a cropped white knitted sweater and black high-rise jeans, with white sneakers. Simple enough, I suppose. I head back into the bathroom to take down the two braids I did last night and brush out my hair. I sleek it down with some gel and tie it into a low bun.

The intercom buzzes.
I know it's 9:15 because that's when Annette always buzzes in to make sure I am awake.

"Miss Moore? Are you awake?"

"Yes, Annette. Don't make breakfast, I am heading out today,"

"Yes, Ma'am. Do you need anything as if this morning?"

"It's not a rushing task, but I will need this done by before 5 in the afternoon. I need you to prepare a room on the east wing. I will have a guest who will be staying here for a while,"

"I can do that for you, Ma'am,"

"Thank you, Annette,"

I take a seat at the vanity table and put on all of my earrings. It a tedious job that makes me regret getting all these piercings to begin with, but I like looking at my ears all bedazzled. I have too much of everything. Too many piercings, though I haven't gotten anything on my face pierced, and too many tattoos. Sometimes, when I look in the mirror, I don't remember what it felt like being a blank canvas.

SHE IS THE MAFIA (BOOK#2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें